2010年6月3日 星期四


陳瀅 2010/06/02





進入網路時代後,人們熱中於上網,通過瀏覽網頁獲得資訊。當使用者在瀏覽器上輸入網址後,瀏覽器將以DNS伺服器和網路應用伺服器相互溝通,將網頁內容呈 現在使用者面前,這些互動的過程是透過網路、經路由器轉發而完成的。因為這個過程對使用者而言是看不到的,所以當時人們在繪製網路示意圖時,便將網絡抽象 畫成一朵雲,意指不用關心網絡的轉發過程,只需關注服務器端和客戶端。如圖1.1所示。

隨著網路的發展,寬頻愈來愈普及,戶外的無線上網節點也愈來愈多。除了個人電腦外,也有愈來愈多的設備具備連網功能,比如行動電話、辦公設備,甚至是上網 冰箱等的家電產品。同樣,網路的作用也不再局限於瀏覽網頁、收發郵件,還能夠為企業提供電子商務、客戶關係管理等服務;為一般大眾提供部落格、網路視訊、 網路相簿、網路影音串流等服務;為科學研究機構提供強大的運算處理功能。因此,網路的含義變得更廣,除了人們普遍認知的接入、路由等,還包括了運算、儲 存、服務和軟體等元素。因此,「雲端運算」這個名詞就應運而生了。

從圖1.1中我們可以看出, 雲端運算中的「雲」不僅包含了網路,更包含了那些被描繪在雲外的事物——這個小小的改變看似簡單,實際上蘊含著深刻的變革。

正 如用「雲」描繪網路以強調對網路的運用,而非關注於其運行的細節般,雲端運算用「雲」描繪包括網路、運算、儲存等在內的資訊服務基礎建設,以及包括作業系 統、應用平台、Web 服務等在內的軟體,就是為了強調對這些資源的運用,而不是運行細節。其實,這個概念被提出的時間並不長,然而對這個概念的定義卻是百家爭鳴。一方面體現了 雲端運算包羅萬象的特質,也說明業界對它的重視。既然所有人都希望成為雲端運算產業鏈中的一個角色,自然都會從自身的角度出發來定義雲端運算,那麼對於概 念的提取就是一個求同存異的過程。

下面,我們先列舉幾個一般人普遍認可的定義,然後再給出本書的定義。 維基百科認為,雲端運算是種能夠將動態伸縮的虛擬化資源,透過網路以服務的方式提供給使用者的運算模式,使用者不需要知道如何管理那些支援雲端運算的基礎設施。

Whatis.com 認為,雲端運算是種透過網路連接以獲取軟體和服務的運算模式,讓使用者可以獲得有如使用超級電腦的體驗。使用者透過筆記型電腦與手機連接入「雲」,獲取所需要的資源。


美國《BusinessWeek》的文章指出,Google 的雲就是由網絡連接起來的幾十萬甚至上百萬台的廉價電腦,這些電腦每天都處理著來自網路上大量的檢索資料和搜尋請求。


Salesforce.com 認為,雲端運算是種更優良的業務運行模式。在此模式中,使用者的應用程式在共用的資料中心運行,用戶只需透過登錄和個人化設定,就可以使用這些資料中心的應用程式。


本書沿用IBM 的定義:雲端運算是種革新的IT運用模式。這種運用模式的主體是所有連接網路的實體,可以是人、設備和程式,客體就是IT本身,包括我們現在接觸到的,以及會在不久將來出現的各種資訊服務。

這種運用方式的核心原則是:硬體和軟體都是資源並被封裝為服務,使用者可以透過網路依其需求來使用。在雲端運算中,IT業務通常運行在遠端的分散式系統 上,而非本地端電腦或單一伺服器上。這個分散式系統由網路相互連接,透過開放的技術和標準把硬體和軟體抽象成為動態可擴展、可配置的資源,並對外以服務的 形式提供給使用者。該系統允許使用者透過網路使用這些服務,並獲取資源。使用者透過瀏覽器直接使用網路服務,不需了解背後資源如何調配、如何整合等實際運 作狀況。透過分散式系統,業務的建立、發布、執行和管理都可以在網路上進行,用戶只需按資源的使用量或業務規模付費。




Physicist develops battery using new source of energy

March 11th, 2009

Miami(邁 阿密)大學與日本東京大學及東北大學已經能證明「自旋電池(spin battery)」的存在,若需要充電,則得要對一種稱為磁通道連接(magnetic tunnel junction,MTJ)裝置中的奈米磁鐵施加一大規模的磁場。這種新技術在無可動部件之電腦硬碟的創造上向前邁進一步,那將比目前所使用的硬碟更加快 速、便宜且使用更少能量。在未來,這種新電池能用來為動力車開發新電池。

這項研究將發表在即將出刊的 Nature 上,目前可由該期刊的 AOP 取得。

這種裝置由 Miami 物理學家 Stewart E. Barnes(科學與藝術學院)及其同僚所創造,可儲存能量在磁石中而不是透過化學反應。

如同一輛上緊發條的(winding up)玩具車,自旋電池藉由施加一大規模磁場來「上緊發條」 -- 沒有化學作用涉入。該裝置可能比至今所發現的任何東西都要更好,Barnes 說。

"我們已經預料這種效應,不過這種裝置產生超過百倍以上的過大電壓,且持續數十分鐘,而非我們所預期的數毫秒," Barnes 說。"正是這種違反直覺的事,導致我們在理論上理解發生了什麼事。"

這 種技術背後的祕密是利用奈米磁鐵感應電動勢。除了風格更直接之外,它所使用的原理與傳統電池相同。儲存在電池中能量,不管是在 iPod 或電動車內,它是以化學能的形態存在。當某樣東西「開啟」,這裡有化學反應發生並製造出電流。這項新技術將「磁能」直接轉換成「電能」而無須進行化學反 應。在這種過程中所製造的電流稱為「自旋極化電流(spin polarized current)」,而且在一種新技術,稱為「自旋電子學(spintronics)」中找到用途。

這項新發現增進我們對於磁鐵運作方式 的理解,而其立即應用是將 MTJs 當成電子元件使用,並以有別於傳統電晶體的方式運作。雖然實際裝置的直徑約與人類頭髮相當,而且甚至連 LED 都無法點亮,不過能以這種方式儲存的能源將有潛力讓一輛車運行數哩。其可能性無窮無盡,Barnes 說。

※ 相關報導:

* Electromotive force and huge magnetoresistance in magnetic tunnel junctions

Pham Nam Hai, Shinobu Ohya, Masaaki Tanaka,
Stewart E. Barnes & Sadamichi Maekawa
Nature advance online publication 8 March 2009
doi: 10.1038/nature07879

...Here we show that such an e.m.f. can indeed be induced by a static magnetic field in magnetic tunnel junctions containing zinc-blende-structured(包含硫化鋅結構的)MnAs(砷化錳)quantum nanomagnets. The observed e.m.f. operates on a timescale of approximately 10^2–10^3 seconds and results from the conversion of the magnetic energy of the superparamagnetic(超順磁的) MnAs nanomagnets into electrical energy when these magnets undergo magnetic quantum tunnelling. As a consequence, a huge magnetoresistance(磁阻)of up to 100,000 per cent is observed for certain bias voltages(偏壓). Our results strongly support the contention that, in magnetic nanostructures, Faraday's law of induction must be generalized to account for forces of purely spin origin. The huge magnetoresistance and e.m.f. may find potential applications in high sensitivity magnetic sensors, as well as in new active devices such as 'spin batteries'.
IBM 推出新記憶體 10 年內終結硬碟
MIT 以病毒開發出如細胞般大小的電池

MIT 研究者發現製造電力的新方法


MIT researchers discover new way of producing electricity

By David Chandler, March 7, 2010

(PhysOrg.com) -- MIT 的一個科學家團隊發現一種先前未知的現象,使被稱為奈米碳管的微小導線發出強大的能量波。研究者表示,這項發現將導致製造電力的新方法。

這 種現象,稱為熱電波(thermopower waves),"開啟了能量研究的新領域,那相當罕見," Michael Strano 表示,MIT 的 Charles and Hilda Roddey 化學工程副教授,他是 3/7 Nature Materials 上一篇描述這些新發現之論文的資深作者。第一作者為 Wonjoon Choi,機械工程博士生。

如同穿越海洋的波浪沿著表面推動大量的漂浮殘骸般,該現象原來是一種沿著一條微小導線前進的熱波(thermal wave)-- 一種移動中的熱脈衝 -- 能沿著導線驅使電子創造出電流。

配 方中的關鍵成份是奈米碳管(carbon nanotubes) -- 以一種如雞網( chicken-wire)般的碳原子晶格所製成的亞微觀中空管狀物。這些管狀物,直徑只有幾十億分之一公尺寬,是一族新奇碳分子的一部份,包括巴克球 (buckyballs)與石墨烯(graphene)薄片,在過去二十年來已成為全世界密集研究的主題。


在 新實驗中,每根導電又導熱的奈米管接上(wired up)一層反應性燃料(譯註:cyclotrimethylene trinitramine,環三亞甲基三硝胺,即 RDX、cyclonite、hexogen,塑膠炸藥主成份),可透過分解作用產生熱。這種燃料接著能在奈米管的一端以雷射光束或著高壓火花點燃,而結 果就是一種沿著奈米碳管長邊快速移動的熱波,就好像火舌沿著點著的導火線長邊快速前進。來自燃料的熱進入奈米管中,它在這裡的行進速度比在燃料中快上數千 倍。當熱反饋至燃料塗層時,會造出一道沿著奈米管被引導的熱波。當溫度達 3,000 K 時,「熱環」沿著奈米管的速度比這種化學反應的正常速度要快上 1 萬倍。結果證明,那種燃燒所產生的熱,也能推動電子沿著奈米管前進,創造出一股真實電流。燃燒波(Combustion waves)-- 像這樣的熱脈衝會沿著導線猛衝 -- "在數學上已被研究超過 100 年了," Strano 說,不過他是第一個預測這種波可由奈米管或奈米線所引導,且這種熱波能推動電流沿著導線前進。

Strano 表示,在該小組最初的實驗中,當他們將奈米碳管接上他們的燃料塗層以便研究這種反應。"你瞧!(沿導線傳播)所導致的電壓峰值大小真令我們感到驚訝。"


他說,所釋出的電力總量比熱電計算的預測大上許多。雖然許多半導體材料被加熱時能產生電位 -- 透過 Seebeck effect(席貝克效應,熱電效應,因溫差而生電) -- 不過此效應在碳中非常弱。

"那裡發生了某件事," 他說。"我們稱之為 electron entrainment(電子攜帶,譯註:entrainment 原意指使搭火車),因為部份電流似乎隨著波速而縮放。"



他說,因為這是一種新發現,所以很難精確預測實際應用將會是什麼。不過他提到一種可能的應用會是讓新的超小型電子裝置 -- 例如米粒般大小的裝置,或許具備感應器或治療裝置,能被注射進入體內。又或著那可能導致"像空氣中的塵埃般被散佈的環境感應器," 他說。

理論上,他說,這樣的裝置能無限期地維持它們的電力直到用舊了,不像電池若放著不用電荷就會逐漸漏光。此外,Strano 指出,每條奈米線雖然微小,不過它們能被製成大型陣列以供應顯著電力給較大型的裝置。

這 些研究者亦計畫進行其理論的另一方面:透過採用不同類型的反應性材料當作塗層,波前(wave front)可能會振盪,從而產生交流電。Strano 表示那可能會開啟各式各樣的可能性,因為交流電是無線電波(諸如手機傳送)的基礎,不過目前的儲能系統全都只產生直流電。"我們的理論在我們開始在資料中 觀察到它們之前就預測了這些振盪," 他說。


※ 相關報導:

* Chemically driven carbon-nanotube-guided thermopower waves

Wonjoon Choi, Seunghyun Hong, Joel T. Abrahamson,
Jae-Hee Han, Changsik Song, Nitish Nair, Seunghyun Baik &
Michael S. Strano
Nature Materials, Published online: 7 March 2010
doi: 10.1038/nmat2714



Quantity More Important than Quality for Adult Sleep

By Miranda Marquit, February 25, 2010

(PhysOrg.com) -- 多年來,老年人一直被認為不需要睡得像年輕人那樣多。不過,UCSD 的一項研究澈底顛覆那種假設。對老人們而言,當事情涉及記憶與其他認知處理活動時,睡眠的量顯然變得很重要。當我們變老時,我們所獲得的睡眠品質反而沒這麼重要。

事實上,ScienceNews.org 報告,睡眠品質對年長者而言沒太大影響 -- 不過對於較年輕的成人來說卻有關係:

睡眠品質似乎對於表現沒有影響,Drummond 表示。"對較老的成人而言,他們昨夜所獲得的睡眠絕對分鐘數,對於今日表現有著顯著的影響," 他說。

另一方面,在較年輕的人當中,睡眠的品質,而非總量,影響了次日的記憶,Drummond 發現。不管睡眠的總分鐘數,那些在大多數的時間睡得很紮實的年輕人,表現會比那些常在夜間醒來的人好,而且在某些區域中會有更高的腦部活動。

顯 然,當我們變老時,我們仍需要相同的睡眠數量。只因為老年人睡覺時更易翻來覆去,並不代表他們不需要同樣多的睡眠。事實上,如果他們所獲得的睡眠數量無法 跟他們年輕時所得到的一樣多時,他們更容易出現記憶問題。因此,這項研究的領導者 Sean Drummond 指出,專注在睡眠的數量上,對於年長者來說極其重要。

ScienceNews.org 這樣報告他的發現:

"昨夜的睡眠確實會影響今日的表現以及腦功能,而且那確實如此不同,取決於你是在你的二十幾歲或是在你的六十幾歲," 他說。"年紀較大的成年人需要一定數量的睡眠。年輕成人則要使他們的睡眠維持紮實的一大段(consolidated chunk)。"

這是當我們變老時,我們需要體認的另一個例子。了解我們老化時我們身體的需求能幫助我們活得更長壽 -- 以及擁有更好的生活品質。

※ 相關報導:

* Older Adults' Brains Boosted By More, Not Better, Sleep

ScienceNews, March 13th, 2010; Vol.177 #6 (p. 14)

即將出現大小如郵票般的 1 TB SSD

SSDs the size of a postage stamp coming soon

By Lin Edwards, February 15, 2010

(PhysOrg.com) -- 1 TB 固態硬碟(solid state drives,SSDs,譯註:另一種說法是 solid state disks,不過翻成固態裝置大概沒人看得懂)將在幾年內出現,而且它們的大小將會是一般郵票大小。

一 個由黑田忠廣(Tadahiro Kuroda)教授所領導,來自 Toshiba 與東京,慶應義塾大學(Keio University)的團隊,宣稱已開發出一種技術,能將 SSDs 的大小縮小約 90%。不僅如此,這種技術還能夠增加其節能表現達 70%,而且使它們的生產更加廉價。

這種新 SSD 的原型以 1 個控制晶片以及 128 個 NAND 快閃記憶晶片構成。資料傳輸速率據稱為 2 GB/s,日經表示,由於此系統基於無線電通訊,因此其生產成本很低。這些特色有助於 SSDs 成為未來資料儲存的標準系統。

這些 SSDs 預計在 2012 年可商業化取得,而且到那時候,他們的規格書甚至將有更進一步的改善。預期零售價格目前仍然未知。

更多資訊參見: http://www.nni.nikkei.co.jp/e/ac/tnks/Nni20100209DA9J2093.htm (需訂閱)

※ 看來現在的讀卡機可讀取 1 TB 記憶卡並不是沒有道理... XD

GE 展示1TB DVD 尺寸的全像碟片
新記憶材料可維持資料達10 億年



Physicist proposes method to teleport energy

By Lisa Zyga, February 5, 2010

(PhysOrg.com) -- 利用使資訊遠距傳輸(teleportation)成為可能的相同量子原理,一項新提議證明那也許能夠傳送能量。利用糾結粒子(entangled particles)中的量子能量波動,物理學家也許夠將能量注入其中一個粒子,並從位於數光年之遙的另一個粒子將能量取出。這項提議或能導致能量散佈的 新發展,對於量子資訊與量子能量之間的關係也能有更好的的理解。

東北大學(Tohoku University)的日本物理學家堀田昌寛(Masahiro Hotta)在一篇最近張貼在 arxiv.org 上,名叫「Energy-Entanglement Relation for Quantum Energy Teleportation(量子能量遠距傳輸的能量糾結關係)」的文章中解釋這種能量遠距傳輸方案。


在 量子能量遠距傳輸中,一位物理學家首先針對二糾結粒子的每一個進行測量。針對第一個粒子的測量會把量子能量注入這個有二個粒子的系統中 -- 那是有可能的,因為任一粒子的能量中總有量子波動。透過對第二個粒子進行仔細挑選的測量,能量接著可從第二個粒子那裡擷取出來。在整個過程中,系統整體能 量仍維持不變。



"這些量子糾結不等式(inequalities)很重要,使糾結與能量相關並成為一種實證的(evident)物理學資源,藉此,它們在協助獲得深刻的糾結理解上,本身也成了一種物理學資源," 他寫道。

如同 MIT Technology Review 一篇報導的解釋,這些關於糾結與資訊的新構想可能有深遠的影響:"這裡有種發展中的觀念,最能描述宇宙特性的並非那些統治事物的定律,而是那些主宰資訊的法則。這對量子世界而言顯然為真,對於狹義相對論而言必定為真,而目前正為了廣義相對論來進行探索。有某種方法在相同的立足點上處理能量,或能協助將這些互異的標準兜在一起。"

※ 我們說不定存在於母體中。相關報導:

* Energy-Entanglement Relation for Quantum Energy Teleportation

Masahiro Hotta
arXiv:1002.0200v1 [quant-ph]

Protocols of quantum energy teleportation (QET), while retaining causality and local energy conservation, enable the transportation of energy from a subsystem of a many-body quantum system to a distant subsystem by local operations and classical communication through ground-state entanglement. We prove two energy-entanglement inequalities for a minimal QET model. These relations help us to gain a profound understanding of entanglement itself as a physical resource by relating entanglement to energy as an evident physical resource.

振動 -- 綠螢光蛋白效率關鍵



Scientists turn light into electrical current using a golden nanoscale system

February 12, 2010

賓 州大學 Nano/Bio Interface Center 的材料科學家在某種分子電路上證明光輻射到電流的換能(transduction,能量轉換)。這套系統 -- 奈米大小的金分子陣列 -- 藉由創造「在整個分子上感應(induce)與投射(project)電流」的表面電漿子(surface plasmons),來響應電磁波,類似光伏太陽能電池。




材 料科學教授以及 Nano/Bio Interface Center 主任,Dawn Bonnell 等人製造出光敏陣列、金奈米粒子,在玻璃基質上將它們連起來。將奈米粒子之間的空間最小化至最理想距離,研究者利用光學輻射來刺激具傳導性的電子,稱為電 漿子(plasmons),以支配(ride)金奈米粒子的表面並將光線聚焦至連結分子的接點上。電漿子效應使分子中的電流產生效率增加百分之 400 到 2000 倍,那接著能透過網路傳輸到外部世界。

在光學輻射刺激表面電漿子且奈米粒子受到最佳耦合的例子中,大型電磁場在粒子間建 立,且由金奈米粒子捕捉。這些粒子接著彼此耦合,形成一條穿過相對電極的滲流路徑(percolative path)。大小、形狀與間隔能加以定做以改造光聚焦的區域。將這些粒子的大小、形狀與間隔最佳化以製造出一種「能引起共鳴的」光學天線,也許能產生數千 倍的強化。


"如果該系統的效率能夠放大而沒有任何額外的、意外的限制,我們相信能製造出一種一安培、一伏特的樣本,直徑如人類頭髮,一英吋長," Bonnell 說。

這項研究發表在當期 ACS Nano 期刊上。

※ 文縐縐 XD 相關報導:

* Plasmon-Induced Electrical Conduction in Molecular Devices

Parag Banerjee, David Conklin, Sanjini Nanayakkara,
Tae-Hong Park, Michael J. Therien and Dawn A. Bonnell
ACS Nano, Article ASAP, January 22, 2010
doi: 10.1021/nn901148m

Metal nanoparticles (NPs) respond to electromagnetic waves by creating surface plasmons (SPs), which are localized, collective oscillations of conduction electrons on the NP surface. When interparticle distances are small, SPs generated in neighboring NPs can couple to one another, creating intense fields. The coupled particles can then act as optical antennae capturing and refocusing light between them. Furthermore, a molecule linking such NPs can be affected by these interactions as well. Here, we show that by using an appropriate, highly conjugated multiporphyrin chromophoric wire to couple gold NP arrays, plasmons can be used to control electrical properties. In particular, we demonstrate that the magnitude of the observed photoconductivity of covalently interconnected plasmon-coupled NPs can be tuned independently of the optical characteristics of the molecule—a result that has significant implications for future nanoscale optoelectronic devices.
超材料光學的突破-- 解決吸收損失

奈米雷射-- 未來光學電腦與科技的關鍵
振動 -- 綠螢光蛋白效率關鍵

DNA 裝配線 建構奈米粒子簇

文章清單 - CPU, GPU, APU


◆ 重點節要

 ▲ 綜合

  ‧Notebook Processors 說明到 i7 (英文,連結)

 ▲ Intel

  ‧IAMD SSE5與ntel AVX,LRBni 指令集
  ‧Pentium Instruction Formats
  ‧The architecture of Pentium Microprocessor

 ▲ AMD

  ‧AMD SSE5新舊指令集

◆ 術語說明

 ▲ Intel
  .AES (Advanced Encryption Standard):先進加密標準,晶片加密技術
  .TPM (Trusted Platform Module):可信任平台模組 (參考Intel Q45 )

 ▲ AMD
  ‧NX bit (No eXecute bit ):防止資料被當成指令執行


Pentium Instruction Formats

by Rajesh Kothandapani

Instruction formats


All Intel Architecture instruction encoding are subsets of the general instruction format shown in Figure 2-1. Instructions consist of optional instruction prefixes (in any order), one or two primary opcode bytes, an addressing-form specifier (if required) consisting of the ModR/M byte and sometimes the SIB (Scale-Index-Base) byte, a displacement (if required), and an immediate data field (if required).


-- Many (most?) of the instructions have exactly 2 operands.If there are 2 operands, then one of them will be required to use register mode, and the other will have no restrictions on its addressing mode.

-- There are most often ways of specifying the same instruction for 8-, 16-, or 32-bit oeprands. I left out the 16-bit ones to reduce presentation of the instruction set. Note that on a 32-bit machine, with newly written code, the 16-bit form will never be used.

Meanings of the operand specifications:

reg - register mode operand, 32-bit register
reg8 - register mode operand, 8-bit register
r/m - general addressing mode, 32-bit
r/m8 - general addressing mode, 8-bit
immed - 32-bit immediate is in the instruction
immed8 - 8-bit immediate is in the instruction
m - symbol (label) in the instruction is the effective address

Data Movement

mov reg, r/m ; copy data
r/m, reg
reg, immed
r/m, immed
movsx reg, r/m8 ; sign extend and copy data
movzx reg, r/m8 ; zero extend and copy data
lea reg, m ; get effective address
(A newer instruction, so its format is much restricted over the other ones.)


mov EAX, 23 ; places 32-bit 2's complement immediate 23
; into register EAX
movsx ECX, AL ; sign extends the 8-bit quantity in register
; AL to 32 bits, and places it in ECX
mov [esp], -1 ; places value -1 into memory, address given
; by contents of esp
lea EBX, loop_top ; put the address assigned (by the assembler)
; to label loop_top into register EBX

Integer Arithmetic

add reg, r/m ; two's complement addition
r/m, reg
reg, immed
r/m, immed
inc reg ; add 1 to operand
sub reg, r/m ; two's complement subtraction
r/m, reg
reg, immed
r/m, immed
dec reg ; subtract 1 from operand
neg r/m ; get additive inverse of operand
mul eax, r/m ; unsigned multiplication
; edx||eax <- data-blogger-escaped--="" data-blogger-escaped-2="" data-blogger-escaped-based="" data-blogger-escaped-before="" data-blogger-escaped-cmp="" data-blogger-escaped-comp.="" data-blogger-escaped-complement="" data-blogger-escaped-div="" data-blogger-escaped-division="" data-blogger-escaped-does="" data-blogger-escaped-eax="" data-blogger-escaped-edx="" data-blogger-escaped-eflags="" data-blogger-escaped-extends="" data-blogger-escaped-first="" data-blogger-escaped-idiv="" data-blogger-escaped-immed8="" data-blogger-escaped-immed="" data-blogger-escaped-imul="" data-blogger-escaped-m8="" data-blogger-escaped-m="" data-blogger-escaped-multiplication="" data-blogger-escaped-on="" data-blogger-escaped-operand="" data-blogger-escaped-quotient="" data-blogger-escaped-r="" data-blogger-escaped-reg="" data-blogger-escaped-remainder="" data-blogger-escaped-s="" data-blogger-escaped-second="" data-blogger-escaped-sets="" data-blogger-escaped-sign="" data-blogger-escaped-span="" data-blogger-escaped-subtract="" data-blogger-escaped-unsigned="" style="font-weight: bold;">EXAMPLES:
neg [eax + 4] ; takes doubleword at address eax+4
; and finds its additive inverse, then places
; the additive inverse back at that address
; the instruction should probably be
; neg dword ptr [eax + 4]
inc ecx ; adds one to contents of register ecx, and
; result goes back to ecx

not r/m ; logical not
and reg, r/m ; logical and
reg8, r/m8
r/m, reg
r/m8, reg8
r/m, immed
r/m8, immed8
or reg, r/m ; logical or
reg8, r/m8
r/m, reg
r/m8, reg8
r/m, immed
r/m8, immed8
xor reg, r/m ; logical exclusive or
reg8, r/m8
r/m, reg
r/m8, reg8
r/m, immed
r/m8, immed8
test r/m, reg ; logical and to set EFLAGS
r/m8, reg8
r/m, immed
r/m8, immed8


and edx, 00330000h ; logical and of contents of register
; edx (bitwise) with 0x00330000,
; result goes back to edx

Floating Point Arithmetic
Since the newer architectures have room for floating point hardware on chip, Intel defined a simple-to-implement extension to the architecture to do floating point arithmetic. In their usual zeal, they have included MANY instructions to do floating point operations.
The mechanism is simple. A set of 8 registers are organized and maintained (by hardware) as a stack of floating point values. ST refers to the stack top. ST(1) refers to the register within the stack that is next to ST. ST and ST(0) are synonyms.

There are separate instructions to test and compare the values of floating point variables.

finit ; initialize the FPU
fld m32 ; load floating point value
fldz ; load floating point value 0.0
fst m32 ; store floating point value
fstp m32 ; store floating point value
m64 ; and pop ST
fadd m32 ; floating point addition
ST, ST(i)
ST(i), ST
faddp ST(i), ST ; floating point addition
; and pop ST


The only instructions which actually allow the reading and writing of I/O devices are priviledged. The OS must handle these things. But, in writing programs that do something useful, we need input and output. Therefore, there are some simple macros defined to help us do I/O.

These are used just like instructions.
put_ch r/m ; print character in the least significant
; byte of 32-bit operand
get_ch r/m ; character will be in AL
put_str m ; print null terminated string given
; by label m

Control Instructions

These are the same control instructions that all started with the character 'b' in SASM.
jmp m ; unconditional jump
jg m ; jump if greater than 0
jge m ; jump if greater than or equal to 0
jl m ; jump if less than 0
jle m ; jump if less than or equal to 0


The instruction prefixes are divided into four groups, each with a set of allowable prefix codes:

· Lock and repeat prefixes.

— F0H—LOCK prefix.

— F2H—REPNE/REPNZ prefix (used only with string instructions).

— F3H—REP prefix (used only with string instructions).

— F3H—REPE/REPZ prefix (used only with string instructions).

— F3H—Streaming SIMD Extensions prefix.

· Segment override.

— 2EH—CS segment override prefix.

— 36H—SS segment override prefix.

— 3EH—DS segment override prefix.

— 26H—ES segment override prefix.

— 64H—FS segment override prefix.

— 65H—GS segment override prefix.

· Operand-size override, 66H

· Address-size override, 67H

For each instruction, one prefix may be used from each of these groups and be placed in any order. The effect of redundant prefixes (more than one prefix from a group) is undefined and may vary from processor to processor.

· Streaming SIMD Extensions prefix, 0FH

The nature of Streaming SIMD Extensions allows the use of existing instruction formats. Instructions use the ModR/M format and are preceded by the 0F prefix byte. In general, operations are not duplicated to provide two directions (i.e. separate load and store variants).


The primary OPCODE is either 1 or 2 bytes. An additional 3-bit OPCODE field is sometimes encoded in the ModR/M byte. Smaller encoding fields can be defined within the primary OPCODE. These fields define the direction of the operation, the size of displacements, the register encoding, condition codes, or sign extension. The encoding of fields in the OPCODE varies, depending on the class of operation.


Most instructions that refer to an operand in memory have an addressing-form specifier byte (called the ModR/M byte) following the primary OPCODE. The ModR/M byte contains three fields of information:

· The mod field combines with the r/m field to form 32 possible values: eight registers and 24 addressing modes.

· The reg/opcode field specifies either a register number or three more bits of opcode information. The purpose of the reg/opcode field is specified in the primary opcode.

· The r/m field can specify a register as an operand or can be combined with the mod field to encode an addressing mode.

Certain encoding of the ModR/M byte require a second addressing byte, the SIB byte, to fully specify the addressing form. The base-plus-index and scale-plus-index forms of 32-bit addressing require the SIB byte. The SIB byte includes the following fields:

· The scale field specifies the scale factor.

· The index field specifies the register number of the index register.

· The base field specifies the register number of the base register.


Some addressing forms include a displacement immediately following either the ModR/M or SIB byte. If a displacement is required, it can be 1, 2, or 4 bytes. If the instruction specifies an immediate operand, the operand always follows any displacement bytes. An immediate operand can be 1, 2, or 4 bytes.

CMC—Complement Carry Flag

The “OPCODE” column gives the complete object code produced for each form of the instruction. When possible, the codes are given as hexadecimal bytes, in the same order in which they appear in memory. Definitions of entries other than hexadecimal bytes are as follows:

• /digit—A digit between 0 and 7 indicates that the ModR/M byte of the instruction uses

only the r/m (register or memory) operand. The reg field contains the digit that provides an extension to the instruction's opcode.

• /r—Indicates that the ModR/M byte of the instruction contains both a register operand and an r/m operand.

• cb, cw, cd, cp—A 1-byte (cb), 2-byte (cw), 4-byte (cd), or 6-byte (cp) value following the opcode that is used to specify a code offset and possibly a new value for the code segment register.

• ib, iw, id—A 1-byte (ib), 2-byte (iw), or 4-byte (id) immediate operand to the instruction

that follows the opcode, ModR/M bytes or scale-indexing bytes. The opcode determines if the operand is a signed value. All words and double words are given with the low-order
byte first.

• +rb, +rw, +rd—A register code, from 0 through 7, added to the hexadecimal byte given at the left of the plus sign to form a single opcode byte.

• +i—A number used in floating-point instructions when one of the operands is ST(i) from

the FPU register stack. The number i (which can range from 0 to 7) is added to the

hexadecimal byte given at the left of the plus sign to form a single opcode byte.

Opcode Instruction Description

F5 CMC Complement carry flag


The “Instruction” column gives the syntax of the instruction statement as it would appear in an ASM386 program. The following is a list of the symbols used to represent operands in the instruction statements:

• rel8—A relative address in the range from 128 bytes before the end of the instruction to 127 bytes after the end of the instruction.

• rel16 and rel32—A relative address within the same code segment as the instruction
assembled. The rel16 symbol applies to instructions with an operand-size attribute of 16
bits; the rel32 symbol applies to instructions with an operand-size attribute of 32 bits.

• ptr16:16 and ptr16:32—A far pointer, typically in a code segment different from that of
the instruction. The notation 16:16 indicates that the value of the pointer has two parts. The value to the left of the colon is a 16-bit selector or value destined for the code segment register. The value to the right corresponds to the offset within the destination segment. The ptr16:16 symbol is used when the instruction's operand-size attribute is 16 bits; the ptr16:32 symbol is used when the operand-size attribute is 32 bits.

• r8—One of the byte general-purpose registers AL, CL, DL, BL, AH, CH, DH, or BH.

• r16—One of the word general-purpose registers AX, CX, DX, BX, SP, BP, SI, or DI.

• r32—One of the doubleword general-purpose registers EAX, ECX, EDX, EBX, ESP, EBP,ESI, or EDI.

• imm8—An immediate byte value. The imm8 symbol is a signed number between –128
and +127 inclusive. For instructions in which imm8 is combined with a word or
double word operand, the immediate value is sign-extended to form a word or double word. The upper byte of the word is filled with the topmost bit of the immediate value.

• imm16—An immediate word value used for instructions whose operand-size attribute is 16 bits. This is a number between –32,768 and +32,767 inclusive.

• imm32—An immediate double word value used for instructions whose operand-size
attribute is 32 bits. It allows the use of a number between +2,147,483,647 and
–2,147,483,648 inclusive.

• r/m8—A byte operand that is either the contents of a byte general-purpose register (AL,BL, CL, DL, AH, BH, CH, and DH), or a byte from memory.

• r/m16—A word general-purpose register or memory operand used for instructions whose operand-size attribute is 16 bits. The word general-purpose registers are: AX, BX, CX,DX, SP, BP, SI, and DI. The contents of memory are found at the address provided by the effective address computation.

• r/m32—A double word general-purpose register or memory operand used for instructions whose operand-size attribute is 32 bits. The double word general-purpose registers are :EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, ESP, EBP, ESI, and EDI. The contents of memory are found at the address provided by the effective address computation.

• m—A 16- or 32-bit operand in memory.

• m8—A byte operand in memory, usually expressed as a variable or array name, but
pointed to by the DS:(E)SI or ES:(E)DI registers. This nomenclature is used only with the
string instructions and the XLAT instruction.

• m16—A word operand in memory, usually expressed as a variable or array name, but
pointed to by the DS:(E)SI or ES:(E)DI registers. This nomenclature is used only with the
string instructions.

• m32—A double word operand in memory, usually expressed as a variable or array name, but pointed to by the DS:(E)SI or ES:(E)DI registers. This nomenclature is used only with the string instructions.

• m64—A memory quadword operand in memory. This nomenclature is used only with the CMPXCHG8B instruction.

• m128—A memory double quadword operand in memory. This nomenclature is used only with the Streaming SIMD Extensions.

• m16:16, m16:32—A memory operand containing a far pointer composed of two numbers. The number to the left of the colon corresponds to the pointer's segment selector. The number to the right corresponds to its offset.

• m16&32, m16&16, m32&32—A memory operand consisting of data item pairs whose
sizes are indicated on the left and the right side of the ampersand. All memory addressing modes are allowed. The m16&16 and m32&32 operands are used by the BOUND instruction to provide an operand containing an upper and lower bounds for array indices. The m16&32 operand is used by LIDT and LGDT to provide a word with which to load the limit field, and a double word with which to load the base field of the corresponding GDTR and IDTR registers.

• moffs8, moffs16, moffs32—A simple memory variable (memory offset) of type byte,
word, or double word used by some variants of the MOV instruction. The actual address is given by a simple offset relative to the segment base. No ModR/M byte is used in the
instruction. The number shown with moffs indicates its size, which is determined by the
address-size attribute of the instruction.

• Sreg—A segment register. The segment register bit assignments are ES=0, CS=1, SS=2,DS=3, FS=4, and GS=5.

• m32real, m64real, m80real—A single-, double-, and extended-real (respectively)
floating-point operand in memory.

• m16int, m32int, m64int—A word-, short-, and long-integer (respectively) floating-point
operand in memory.

• ST or ST(0)—The top element of the FPU register stack.

• ST(i)—The i th element from the top of the FPU register stack. (i = 0 through 7)

• mm—An MMX™ technology register. The 64-bit MMX™ technology registers are:
MM0 through MM7.

• xmm—A SIMD floating-point register. The 128-bit SIMD floating-point registers are:
XMM0 through XMM7.

• mm/m32—The low order 32 bits of an MMX™ technology register or a 32-bit memory
operand. The 64-bit MMX™ technology registers are: MM0 through MM7. The contents
of memory are found at the address provided by the effective address computation.

• mm/m64—An MMX™ technology register or a 64-bit memory operand. The 64-bit
MMX™ technology registers are: MM0 through MM7. The contents of memory are found
at the address provided by the effective address computation.

• xmm/m32—A SIMD floating-points register or a 32-bit memory operand. The 128-bit
SIMD floating-point registers are XMM0 through XMM7. The contents of memory are
found at the address provided by the effective address computation.

• xmm/m64—A SIMD floating-point register or a 64-bit memory operand. The 64-bit
SIMD floating-point registers are XMM0 through XMM7. The contents of memory are
found at the address provided by the effective address computation.

• xmm/m128—A SIMD floating-point register or a 128-bit memory operand. The 128-bit
SIMD floating-point registers are XMM0 through XMM7. The contents of memory are
found at the address provided by the effective address computation.


The “Description” column following the “Instruction” column briefly explains the various

forms of the instruction. The following “Description” and “Operation” sections contain more details of the instruction's operation.


The “Description” section describes the purpose of the instructions and the required operands. It also discusses the effect of the instruction on flags.


The “Operation” section contains an algorithmic description (written in pseudo-code) of the instruction. The pseudo-code uses a notation similar to the Algol or Pascal language. The algorithms are composed of the following elements:

• Comments are enclosed within the symbol pairs “(*” and “*)”.

• Compound statements are enclosed in keywords, such as IF, THEN, ELSE, and FI for an if statement, DO and OD for a do statement, or CASE ... OF and ESAC for a case statement.

• A register name implies the contents of the register. A register name enclosed in brackets implies the contents of the location whose address is contained in that register. For example, ES:[DI] indicates the contents of the location whose ES segment relative address is in register DI. [SI] indicates the contents of the address contained in register SI relative to SI’s default segment (DS) or overridden segment.

• Parentheses around the “E” in a general-purpose register name, such as (E)SI, indicates that an offset is read from the SI register if the current address-size attribute is 16 or is read from the ESI register if the address-size attribute is 32.

• Brackets are also used for memory operands, where they mean that the contents of the
memory location is a segment-relative offset. For example, [SRC] indicates that the
contents of the source operand is a segment-relative offset.

• A ¬ B; indicates that the value of B is assigned to A.

• The symbols =, ¹, ³, and £ are relational operators used to compare two values, meaning equal, not equal, greater or equal, less or equal, respectively. A relational expression such as A = B is TRUE if the value of A is equal to B; otherwise it is FALSE.

• The expression “<<>> COUNT” indicates that the destination operand
should be shifted left or right, respectively, by the number of bits indicated by the count
operand. The following identifiers are used in the algorithmic descriptions:

• OperandSize and AddressSize—The OperandSize identifier represents the operand-size attribute of the instruction, which is either 16 or 32 bits. The AddressSize identifier
represents the address-size attribute, which is either 16 or 32 bits. For example, the
following pseudo-code indicates that the operand-size attribute depends on the form of the CMPS instruction used.

IF instruction = CMPSW
THEN OperandSize ¬ 16;
  IF instruction = CMPSD
  THEN OperandSize ¬ 32;

StackAddrSize—Represents the stack address-size attribute associated with the
instruction, which has a value of 16 or 32 bits.

• SRC—Represents the source operand.

• DEST—Represents the destination operand.

The following functions are used in the algorithmic descriptions:

• ZeroExtend(value)—Returns a value zero-extended to the operand-size attribute of the instruction. For example, if the operand-size attribute is 32, zero extending a byte value of –10 converts the byte from F6H to a doubleword value of 000000F6H. If the value passed to the ZeroExtend function and the operand-size attribute are the same size, ZeroExtend returns the value unaltered.

• SignExtend(value)—Returns a value sign-extended to the operand-size attribute of the instruction. For example, if the operand-size attribute is 32, sign extending a byte
containing the value –10 converts the byte from F6H to a doubleword value of
FFFFFFF6H. If the value passed to the SignExtend function and the operand-size attribute are the same size, SignExtend returns the value unaltered.

• SaturateSignedWordToSignedByte—Converts a signed 16-bit value to a signed 8-bit
value. If the signed 16-bit value is less than –128, it is represented by the saturated value –128 (80H); if it is greater than 127, it is represented by the saturated value 127 (7FH).

• SaturateSignedDwordToSignedWord—Converts a signed 32-bit value to a signed 16-bit value. If the signed 32-bit value is less than –32768, it is represented by the saturated value –32768 (8000H); if it is greater than 32767, it is represented by the saturated value 32767 (7FFFH).

• SaturateSignedWordToUnsignedByte—Converts a signed 16-bit value to an unsigned 8-bit value. If the signed 16-bit value is less than zero, it is represented by the saturated value zero (00H); if it is greater than 255, it is represented by the saturated value 255 (FFH).

• SaturateToSignedByte—Represents the result of an operation as a signed 8-bit value. If the result is less than –128, it is represented by the saturated value –128 (80H); if it is greater than 127, it is represented by the saturated value 127 (7FH).

• SaturateToSignedWord—Represents the result of an operation as a signed 16-bit value. If the result is less than –32768, it is represented by the saturated value –32768 (8000H); if it is greater than 32767, it is represented by the saturated value 32767 (7FFFH).

• SaturateToUnsignedByte—Represents the result of an operation as a signed 8-bit value. If the result is less than zero it is represented by the saturated value zero (00H); if it is greater than 255, it is represented by the saturated value 255 (FFH).

SaturateToUnsignedWord—Represents the result of an operation as a signed 16-bit
value. If the result is less than zero it is represented by the saturated value zero (00H); if it is greater than 65535, it is represented by the saturated value 65535 (FFFFH).

• LowOrderWord(DEST * SRC)—Multiplies a word operand by a word operand and
stores the least significant word of the doubleword result in the destination operand.

• HighOrderWord(DEST * SRC)—Multiplies a word operand by a word operand and
stores the most significant word of the doubleword result in the destination operand.

• Push(value)—Pushes a value onto the stack. The number of bytes pushed is determined by the operand-size attribute of the instruction. Refer to the “Operation” section in “PUSH—Push Word or Doubleword Onto the Stack” in this chapter for more information on the push operation.

• Pop() removes the value from the top of the stack and returns it. The statement EAX ¬
Pop(); assigns to EAX the 32-bit value from the top of the stack. Pop will return either a
word or a doubleword depending on the operand-size attribute. Refer to the “Operation”
section in “POP—Pop a Value from the Stack” in this chapter for more information on the
pop operation.

• PopRegisterStack—Marks the FPU ST(0) register as empty and increments the FPU
register stack pointer (TOP) by 1.

• Switch-Tasks—Performs a task switch.

• Bit(BitBase, BitOffset)—Returns the value of a bit within a bit string, which is a sequence of bits in memory or a register. Bits are numbered from low-order to high-order within registers and within memory bytes. If the base operand is a register, the offset can be in the range 0..31. This offset addresses a bit within the indicated register.

The architecture of Pentium Microprocessor

Contributed by Rajesh Kothandapani

Block diagram of the Pentium

Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the Pentium design.

The most important enhancements over the 486 are the separate instruction and data caches, the dual integer pipelines (the U-pipeline and the V-pipeline, as Intel calls them), branch prediction using the branch target buffer (BTB), the pipelined floating-point unit, and the 64-bit external data bus. Even-parity checking is implemented for the data bus and the internal RAM arrays (caches and TLBs).

As for new functions, there are only a few; nearly all the enhancements in Pentium are included to improve performance, and there are only a handful of new instructions. Pentium is the first high-performance micro-processor to include a system management mode like those found on power-miserly processors for notebooks and other battery-based applications; Intel is holding to its promise to include SMM on all new CPUs. Pentium uses about 3 million transistors on a huge 294 mm 2 (456k mils 2 ). The caches plus TLBs use only about 30% of the die. At about 17 mm on a side, Pentium is one of the largest microprocessors ever fabricated and probably pushes Intel’s production equipment to its limits. The integer data path is in the middle, while the floating-point data path is on the side opposite the data cache. In contrast to other superscalar designs, such as SuperSPARC, Pentium’s integer data path is actually bigger than its FP data path. This is an indication of the extra logic associated with complex instruction support. Intel estimates about 30% of the transistors were devoted to compatibility with the x86 architecture. Much of this overhead is probably in the microcode ROM, instruction decode and control unit, and the adders in the two address generators, but there are other effects of the complex instruction set. For example, the higher frequency of memory references in x86 programs compared to RISC code led to the implementation of the dual-ac.

Register set

The purpose of the Register is to hold temporary results, and control the execution of the program. General-purpose registers in Pentium are EAX, ECX, EDX, EBX, ESP, EBP,ESI, or EDI.

The 32-bit registers are named with prefix E, EAX, etc, and the least 16 bits 0-15 of these registers can be accessed with names such as AX, SI Similarly the lower eight bits (0-7) can be accessed with names such as AL & BL. The higher eight bits (8-15) with names such as AH & BH. The instruction pointer EAP known as program counter(PC) in 8-bit microprocessor, is a 32-bit register to handle 32-bit memory addresses, and the lower 16 bit segment IP is used for 16-bi memory address.

The flag register is a 32-bit register , however 14-bits are being used at present for 13 different tasks; these flags are upward compatible with those of the 8086 and 80286. The comparison of the available flags in 16-bit and 32-bit microprocessor is may provide some clues related to capabilities of these processors. The 8086 has 9 flags, the 80286 has 11 flags, and the 80286 has 13 flags. All of these flag registers include 6 flags related to data conditions (sign, zero, carry, auxiliary, carry , overflow, and parity) and three flags related to machine operations.(interrupts, Single-step and Strings). The 80286 has two additional : I/O Privilege and Nested Task. The I/O Privilege uses two bits in protected mode to determine which I/O instructions can be used, and the nested task is used to show a link between two tasks.
The processor also includes control registers and system address registers , debug and test registers for system and debugging operations.

Addressing mode & Types of instructions 

Instruction set is divided into 9 categories of operations and has 11 addressing modes. In addition to commonly available instructions in a 8 bit microprocessor and this set includes operations such as bit manipulation and string operations, high level language support and operating system support. An instruction may have 0-3 operands and the operand can be 8, 16, or 32- bits long. The 80386 handles various types of data such as Single bit , string of bits , signed and unsigned 8-, 16-, 32- and 64- bit data, ASCII character and BCD numbers.
High level language support group includes instructions such as ENTER and LEAVE. The ENTER instruction is used to ENTER from a high level language and it assigns memory location on the stack for the routine being entered and manages the stack. On the other hand the LEAVE generates a return procedure for a high level language. The operating system support group includes several instructions , such as APRL.( Adjust Requested Privilege Level) and the VERR/W (Verify Segment for Reading or Writing). The APRL is designed to prevent the operating system from gaining access to routines with a higher priority level and the instructions VERR/W verify whether the specified memory address can be reached from the current privilege level.

資源 - 作業系統

◆ 即時系統(含嵌入系統)

 ‧粵嵌嵌入技術論壇 - 網頁模式(簡)
 ‧粵嵌嵌入技術論壇 - 文字模式(簡)

◆ 手機作業系統

◆ 桌上型作業系統

Light Touch 互動式投影器


Introducing the Light Touch interactive projector (w/ Video)

By Lin Edwards January 11, 2010

(PhysOrg.com) -- 一家位於英國的公司 Light Blue Optics 推行一款超密實投影器,那可將任何平面轉變成互動式觸控螢幕。

這 款 Light Touch 互動式投影器基本上是一部手持式電腦,上面運行 Windows CE 並使用一種專有的全像雷射投影(holographic laser projection,HLP)系統,在任何平面上投射虛擬觸控螢幕。所投射的影像只有 15 流明,但仍能在長距離下聚焦。

全像術涉及 Light Blue Optics 用以將原本影像轉換成一組秀在微型顯示器上之繞射圖案,接著透過雷射光照射,創造出二維影像的方法。

之 所以使用繞射圖案是因為它們的高效率,它們直接照亮所需之處,而非不加區別。電腦會計算多個繞射圖案,每一個都產生該影像的粗糙版本。觀看者的眼睛接著從 雜訊中分離出影像,並將它們視為一幅清晰的、永遠對好焦的影像,即使投射在曲面上亦然。這些雷射產生的影像顏色生動明亮,而且在靠近這款微型投影器的近距 離內,寬投射角(wide throw angle)仍可產生大型影像(10 吋)。

這套 Light Touch 系統經由整合在一起的紅外線系統來偵測互動。IR 系統事實上能將任何表面轉變成觸控螢幕,並允許使用者運行這個投影器並透過觸碰影像來控制應用軟體。該投影器內建 WiFi 連接與 Bluetooth 技術,讓使用者為了多媒體共享與社交網路而經由這款投影器連上網際網路。

用於 Light Touch 投影器的雷射為 class 1,意味它完全不會對眼睛造成傷害。而所投影的影像為 WVGA,產生清爽、已自動對焦的影像。標準的快閃記憶體容量為 2GB,不過它擁有 micro SD 插槽可升級到 32GB 的儲存裝置上。電池壽命在 4 - 2 個小時。

這款 Light Touch 投影器為 Blue Light Optics 的第一項產品,首度在 2010 年一月七日於 Las Vegas 舉行的 CES 上亮相。

※ 相關網站:

Light Blue Optics

SixthSense - Pranav Mistry
2010科技選秀 這四咖最紅
3M 推出第一款口袋型投影器 MPro110



Proposed Spacetime Structure Could Provide Hints for Quantum Gravity Theory

By Lisa Zyga December 16, 2009

(PhysOrg.com) -- 時空,由三維的空間維度與一維的時間維度構成,是種龐大且抽象的概念,科學家在理解與定義它上,有段非常艱困的時期。此外,不同的理論就時空結構提出不同 的、矛盾的看法。廣義相對論將時空描述成連續的流形(continuous manifold),然而量子場論則需要以離散的(discrete)點構成時空。將這二大理論統合成一個量子重力論,則是目前物理學中尚未解決的最大問 題。

在一次想更了解時空的嘗試中,(加拿大)Waterloo 大學的數學物理學家 Achim Kempf 在 Planck 尺度上提出一套可能的新時空架構。他指出時空可同時為離散或連續的,光憑想像即知能同時滿足廣義相對論與量子場論。Kempf 提議的靈感來自於資訊論(information theory),因為資訊也能同時是離散與連續的。他的研究發表在最近一期 Physical Review Letters 上。

"那是競爭競爭激烈的思想學派,對於時空在根本上是否為離散的(例如自旋泡沫模型 (spin foam models))或著是連續的(例如弦論),每一派別都有良好的論述," Kempf 表示。"這套新資訊論方法能使你在這二派思想間,建立起概念上與數學上的橋樑。"

Kempf 解釋,在這個框架中,構成資訊理論基礎的數學架構為取樣理論(sampling theory) -- 此即,取自一般離散點組(set of points)的樣本可用來重建『各處(everywhere)』到『特定截點(cutoff point)』之間的資訊(或時空)形狀(shape)。在時空的例子中,截點也許是自然的紫外線下界(lower bound),如果那存在的話。這種下界也可以想成測不準原理的最小長度,若比這更短,將無法準確知道結構的特性。

在他的研究 中,Kempf 開發出一套簡化的理論,那能被一般化以便應用在時空上。他證明,取自整個時空結構、密度有限的樣本點,能提供科學家從大規模的長度尺度一直到自然之紫外線 截止(ultraviolet cutoff)的種種時空形狀。此外,他證明,此算式在離散與連續的時空呈現方式(representation)間建立起一種等效性 (equivalence)。就其本身而論,這種取樣與重構時空的新框架,藉由賦予離散結構一種連續的呈現方式,而以各種方式逼近量子重力。

" 在尋找統一量子論與廣義相對論的理論上,難以獲得能夠引導搜尋的實驗資料," Kempf 表示。"「時空與資訊,同為連續與離散」的提議,也許能成為一種理論性的引導原則(guiding principle)。它指向一種理論,在其中所有的自然過程都被視為佔據實際上是「普適的有限頻寬」(It points towards a theory in which all natural processes are seen as possessing what is in effect a universal finite bandwidth)。"

Kempf 補充道,至少,這種新方法提供了一些實用的理論性工具給量子重力的研究,例如解決離散問題以及運用連續的方法。在未來,Kempf 計畫將這些新方法應用到各種問題上。

"我正計畫要使用新資訊論方法重新追蹤量子重力論中某些存在已久的資訊論問題,例如黑洞資訊喪失悖論以及全像術原理在資訊場論中的角色問題," Kempf 表示。

※ 相關報導:

* Information-Theoretic Natural Ultraviolet Cutoff for Spacetime

Achim Kempf
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 231301 (2009) [4 pages]
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.231301



Stretching crystals promises flexible colour displays

NewScientist.com news service / 24 August 2007
Belle Dume

由單一材料所製成的第一款全彩顯示器(full-colour display),可能將進一步改變平面與彈性顯示器的市場。打造出此裝置的加拿大團隊表示,基於此技術的商業化螢幕,有可能在 2 年內上市。

該 裝置當中的像素是由光子晶體(photonic crystals,光子結晶體)所製成,其結構類似於自然的寶石蛋白石(gemstone opal)。每個晶體是二氧化矽微球體(silica microspheres)以一種重複的 3D 樣式(pattern)製成,這種樣式可以在阻斷某些波長光線(即色彩)的同時,反射其他的光線。改變像素的色彩只需改變微球體的間隔,這可由該材料的伸 縮辦到。

該裝置的美妙之處在於,它只利用入射光,就能產生所有顏色的光譜,甚至是紫外線與紅外線。也因此,它將不在需要今日市面上其他彩 色顯示器所使用的昂貴彩色濾光片。而且因為該顯示器只用到反射來的環境光(ambient light),所以無須將電力浪費在背光光源(backlighting)上,一如今日的行動電話。

「空前的調整(Unprecedented tuning)」

"在明亮的日光下,或室內光線中,它們一樣都能觀看," 團隊成員,多倫多大學的 Andr Arsenault 表示。

研 究者將晶體結合到一種電動聚合物(electroactive polymer)上,使它們能夠伸縮。當施加電壓時,這種聚合物會擴張,導致晶體結構的改變。"藉由逐步增加電壓,我們能橫跨整個可見光光譜,甚至是 UV(紫外光)或 IR(紅外光)的範圍。這樣全彩的調整是空前的," Arsenault 說,他也是一家叫做 Opalux (http://www.opalux.com/index.php) 的新興公司的共同創辦者。該公司要將此技術商業化。


"這毫無疑問是件重要的工作," 加州大學河邊分校的光子物理學家 Yadong Ying 表示。 "雖然藉由改變晶格間隔來調整光子特性的原理眾所皆知,不過這個系統卻代表著第一個實用的、基於光子晶體的顯示器,那完全可利用電力來調整顏色。"

※ 相關報導:

* Photonic-crystal full-colour displays

Andre C. Arsenault, Daniel P. Puzzo, Ian Manners & Geoffrey A. Ozin
Nature Photonics 1, 468 - 472 (2007)
Published online: 1 August 2007
聚合物 "肌肉" 改變未來色彩呈現
利用 pH 值來控制奈米顏色與形狀
呈現在空氣中的 3D 影像





Researchers discover why atoms in solids show a preference for certain structures

March 30, 2010

(PhysOrg.com) -- 大自然喜歡某些對稱結構而討厭其他的。有序的固體通常展現出一種所謂的六重旋轉對稱(6-fold rotation symmetry)。為了達到這種對稱,平面中的原子由六個夥伴以某種排列方式圍繞它們自身,我們可在蜂巢中發現類似的結構。相反的,自然界中則未曾觀察 過七重、九重或十一重對稱。

來自 Max Planck Institute for Metals Research、Stuttgart 大學以及 TU Berlin 的研究者發現,當他們試著利用強烈雷射場將七重對稱強加在一層帶電膠體粒子上時:使有序結構浮現需存在特殊的部位,於此使相應的次序成核 (nucleates)。事實上,這類原子核全都以大自然所偏好的結構大量出現。相較之下,它們僅零星地以七重對稱的圖案(pattern)出 現。(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Week of March 29, 2010)

這裡所涉及的過程聽起來頗為複雜,但那事實上相當簡單:如果某材料的原子排列在旋轉 60 度(六分之一個圓)後仍不會改變,那麼它就是六重旋轉對稱。金屬中的原子通常以這種方式安排它們自己。然而,更複雜的結構則具有五重旋轉對稱,至於八重或 十重旋轉結構也有。"在自然界中尚未看具七重、九重或十一重旋轉對的材料,著實令人驚訝," Clemens Bechinger 表示,Max Planck Institute for Metals Research 的研究員以及 Stuttgart 大學教授。"考慮到「具任何旋轉對稱的圖案能輕易地在紙上被畫出來」這項事實,則更加驚人。" 因此,問題是:這樣子的材料是否只是一直被忽視到現在,或著,大自然是否討厭某些對稱。

這就是 Clemens Bechinger 與他同事所研究的問題。"答案之所以使我們產生興趣,不僅是因為它來自於基本的觀點,也因為它能為科技應用幫忙量身定做(tailoring)具有新奇特 性的材料," 這些物理學家解釋。某種材料的特性一般非常倚賴它的旋轉對稱。以石墨及鑽石為例,這兩者全由碳原子組成,而差別僅在於它們的結晶對稱。

為 了製造具七重對稱的材料,那事實上並未存在於自然界中,研究者求助於某種特殊訣竅:他們疊加七道雷射光束,也因而產生具七重對稱的光圖案。他們接著導入一 層直徑約 3 微米的膠體粒子到雷射場中。光圖案之電磁場在粒子上的效應類山地景觀的組成(譯註:高、低能量的分布),在此它們傾向被吸引至山谷。這種膠體粒子(它們因 其電荷彼此相互排斥),接著試圖形成六重對稱結構。

研究者藉由逐漸增加雷射的強度提高「光地景」的輪廓(profile)。在這種方式 中,他們盡力對膠體粒子增強壓力以形成七重的而非六重的結構。"這讓我們確定當雷射強到什麼程度時,這些粒子仍不會呈現七重結構,並繼續維持它們的六重對 稱," Jules Mikhael 說,研究此計畫的博士生。

在同樣方法中,物理學家使粒子遭遇五重光柵,並觀察到明顯的不同處:這些粒子明確地逃避七重對稱,並在雷射強度非常低的情況下呈現五重對稱。大自然對於七重對稱的排斥也因而由 Stuttgart 研究者所創造的模型系統證明。

" 不過,至關緊要的是,我們的實驗也揭開「為何這些粒子倔強地拒絕形成七重結構」的理由," Clemens Bechinger 提到。當物理學家增加雷射強度時,這些粒子一開始只在非常孤立的地方呈現七重對稱。只有當雷射強度更進一步加強時這種次序才擴散到整個樣本。研究者將光圖 案中的某些結構視為七重對稱的起點。這些由光的中心點構成,而那些中心點則為其他光點所形成的環圍繞,也因此,強烈地使人聯想到盛開的花朵。

" 在五重對稱的光圖案中,我們所發現的「花形」中心比七重對稱多出約百倍," Michael Schmiedeberg 解釋。這些原子核的密度無疑扮演著關鍵性角色。密度愈高,研究者產生相同旋轉對稱結構所施加的雷射強度也就愈少。在此例中,低光強度足以讓相關次序從中心 擴散。

單單花形原子核在密度上的差異就足以解釋為何八重與十重對稱會出現在大自然中,但九重與十一重則否。"結果很驚人,因為那涉及簡單 的幾何學論點(geometric argument)," Bechinger 說:"那完全倚賴粒子間交互作用的特殊本質,也因此適用於我們的膠體系統還有原子系統。"

這些實驗首先解釋,為何在自然界中找不到具有某 些對稱的材料並非巧合。其次,他們證明一種具體方式,在其中這種結構可透過人工方式在膠體系統中製造 -- 那就是在外部「場」的幫助下。就具有不尋常對稱之光子晶體(photonic crystals)的製造而論,這可能有用,例如,具有七重旋轉對稱的個別膠體層彼此堆疊。光子晶體由微結構組成,那影響光波的方式類似影響電子的晶格。 由於更高度的旋轉對稱,七重光子晶體的光學特性將比現有具六重對稱的光子晶體,更不依賴光束的入射角。

此外,具不尋常對稱的材料具有其他 更有趣的特性,例如摩擦阻力很低。結果他們能減少滑動部件之間的摩擦力,例如,在引擎上施以薄薄的表面塗佈。"總而言之,研究具有不尋常旋轉對稱的材料相 當有趣," Clemens Bechinger 表示。"我們的結果能幫助確認值得探求的特殊對稱。"

※ 相關報導:

* Proliferation of anomalous symmetries in colloidal monolayers subjected to quasiperiodic light fields

Jules Mikhael, Michael Schmiedeberg, Sebastian Rausch,
Johannes Roth, Holger Stark, and Clemens Bechinger
Published online before print April 6, 2010,
doi: 10.1073/pnas.0913051107
「鹵莽」軟體更新 更快發現「對稱」
愈小愈強 -- 現在科學家知道為何如此



New Hitachi Li-ion batteries to last ten years

By Lin Edwards, April 9, 2010

(PhysOrg.com) -- 日立(Hitachi)宣佈他們透過一種新陰極(cathode)材料的開發,或能使可充電鋰離子(Li-ion)電池的壽命加倍。此材料與新神戶電機 (Shin-Kobe Electric Machinery)共同開發而成,雖然一開始對於筆電、相機或智慧型手機這樣的小型應用並不是那麼有用,不過那對於混合或電動車中的大型電池,以及儲存 風力農場發電機所製造的額外能量上也許很理想。

這種新電池在正電極使用更多的錳,並減少鈷(那更加昂貴)的使用。日立表示,這種新陰極材 料是鋰錳氧化物尖晶石(spinel,LIMn2O4)這種複合物,那是一種結晶材料,比先前的陰極材料更加穩定。其穩定性使得陰極更耐得住電解質的攻 擊,並抑制陰極材料滲漏到電解液中(這些過程終將使電池無法再充電)。這種新陰極材料將電池的壽命由最平常的平均五年工作壽命延長到十年,而且那也提升電 池的容量。這種電池也因為減少鈷的使用,將比目前的鋰離子電池更便宜。


最近,鋰離子電池幾乎可在所有可攜式電子裝置中發現蹤跡,而這項新電池技術也許能夠「縮小」以便給這些小機件使用。這款電池目前仍是原型階段,不過日立預期那也許在 2011 年初即可供大規模的工業使用。

這 款新電池是在日本的 New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization(新能源・產業技術綜合開發機構)幫助下製造,而日立希望它在供生態永續產業(例如風力農場與電動車)使用的電池上的專注能幫助 它再度獲益。

更多日立原始(日文)資訊: http://www.hitachi.co.jp/New/cnews/month/2010/04/0405a.html

※ 相關報導:

數位化量子電池將能量密度提升10 倍



A step toward lighter batteries: Metal catalysts play important role in improving efficiency

By David L. Chandler, April 2, 2010

一個在 MIT 的研究團隊在某種技術上有了重大進展,那能將任何現存電池的能量密度提升多達三倍。

Yang Shao-Horn,MIT 機械工程暨材料科學與工程副教授,表示:有許多團體都正在進行鋰空氣電池(lithium-air batteries)的研究,那在能量密度上有很大的潛力達到巨大獲益。不過這裡卻缺乏對於「什麼樣電極材料能促進在這些電池中所發生的電化學反應」的理 解。

鋰氧(Lithium-oxygen,也稱為鋰空氣)電池在原理上類似鋰離子電池,那現在主宰可攜式電子器材的領域,同時也是電動車 的領導性競爭者。但因為鋰空氣電池在這樣的電池中,以基於碳之空氣電極還有空氣的流動取代沈重的慣用元件,所以這種電池本身能非常輕巧。這也是為何領導性 公司,包括 IBM 與 GM,堅持進行大規模研究倡議鋰空氣技術。

本週一篇發表在 Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 期刊上的論文中,Shao-Horn 以及她某些學生以及訪問教授 Hubert Gasteiger,報告了一項研究,證明具有金或鉑作為催化劑的電極,展現出更高程度的活性,也因而比這些電池中簡單的碳電極有更高的效率。


博 士生 Yi-Chun Lu,這篇論文的領導作者,解釋:該團隊已開發出一種方法來分析電池中不同催化劑的活性,而他們現在能建立在這項研究上以研究各種可能的材料。"我們將留 意不同的材料,並察看趨勢," 她表示。"這樣的研究能讓我們確認統御催化劑活性的物理參數。最終,我們將能夠預測催化劑的行為。"

為何那很重要:能傳送許多能量的輕量電池對許多應用而言很重要 -- 例如,改善電動車的里程數。為了這個理由,即使是電池能量密度等級的適度增加 -- 在一定重量下所能傳送能量總數的量測 -- 都是重要進展。

下 一步:在開發一套能廣泛商業化的電池系統上,一項得要應付的問題是安全性。金屬形態的鋰,那在鋰空氣電池中使用,若有一絲一毫水份存在,將會是高度反應 性。那在目前的鋰離子電池中並不是個問題,因為基於碳的材料被用來當作負電極。Shao-Horn 表示,可在不需要使用金屬鋰的情況下應用相同的電池原理;她表示,反而能使用石墨或其他穩定的負電極材料,導致更安全的系統。


研究者也需要觀察充放電過程的化學細節,看看何種化合物產生以及在何處產生,還有它們如何與系統中其他化合物起反應。"我們在實理解這些反應如何發生上,仍在非常開始的階段," Shao-Horn 說。

Gholam-Abbas Nazri,GM 研發中心的研究者,稱此研究:"有趣且重要," 並表示,在開發這項技術上,這對付一項重要的瓶頸:要找到有效的催化劑。這項研究 "對於催化劑角色的未來理解上,方向是正確的," 而且那 "對於鋰空氣系統的未來理解與發展,也許有顯著地貢獻," 他說。

雖然某些研 究鋰空氣電池的公司已表示他們將它視為一項十年發展計畫,但 Shao-Horn 表示,要預測花多久時間才能商業化仍嫌太早。"那是個非常有前景的領域,不過有許多科學與工程挑戰需要克服," 她說。"如果那真的證明(有今日鋰離子電池)二到三倍的能量密度," 她說,第一種應用很可是將會出現在電腦與手機等可攜式電子裝置上,那是高價物品,而且之後只有在成本減少的情況下才會應用在車輛上。

※ 相關報導(論文尚未刊載):

* The Influence of Catalysts on Discharge and Charge Voltages of Rechargeable Li-Oxygen Batteries

Yi-Chun Lu, Hubert A. Gasteiger, Michael C. Parent,
Vazrik Chiloyan, Yang Shao-Horn. Electrochemical and
Solid-State Letters, 1 April 2010 (Vol.13, No.6).



Painless plasma jets could replace dentist's drill

January 19, 2010

根據一項發表在 Journal of Medical Microbiology 二月號的研究,電漿噴射流(Plasma jets,噴射式電漿)能消滅導致牙齒蛀牙的病菌,成為有效且無痛地替代方案。

科學家發現將低溫電漿術朝象牙質發射 -- 在琺瑯質外層下的纖維狀牙齒構造 -- 能減少牙菌數量達一萬倍以上。這些發現意味電漿技術可用來移除牙齒齲洞(cavities)中受感染的組織 -- 此等實施傳統上涉及在牙中鑽動。

在 德國萊比錫 Leibniz-Institute of Surface Modifications 的科學家以及來自 Homburg,Saarland 大學的牙醫們測試電漿對抗常見口腔病原體的功效,那包括轉糖鏈球菌(Streptococcus mutans)以及乳酸桿菌(Lactobacillus casei)。這些細菌在牙齒的表面上形成膜,且能侵蝕琺瑯質及其下方的象牙質導致齲洞。若擺著不治療,將導致疼痛、掉牙以及某些嚴重的齒齦感染。在這項 研究中,研究者以四種細菌感染拔下來的人類臼齒上的象牙質,接著將它暴露在電漿噴射流中 6、12、或 18 秒。當象牙質暴露在電漿的時間愈久,被消滅的細菌數量也就愈多。

電漿是已知繼固態、液態與氣態之外的第四態,在科技與醫療應用上數目正逐 漸增加。電漿在宇宙中相當普遍,且在高能處理剝奪原子的一個或更多個電子時形成。這形成高溫反應性氧族(reactive oxygen species,ROS,活性氧族),那能夠摧毀微生物。這些熱電漿已用於消毒手術器具上。

領導此研究、來自 Saarland 大學的 Dr Stefan Rupf 表示,最近溫度大約攝氏 40 度之冷電漿的發展,在牙科醫學運用上,顯得十分有希望。"低溫表示它們能殺死細菌,同時維護牙齒。在牙齒中心的牙髓(在象牙質下面),連結到血液供應與神 經,所以對它的熱傷害無論如何都要避免。"

Dr Rupf 表示,使用電漿技術將蛀牙消毒將受到患者以及牙醫師的歡迎。「鑽牙是一種非常不舒服且有時疼痛的經歷。相較之下,冷電漿,是一種完全無接觸的方法,具有高效率。現在電漿醫學這個領域有著長足的進步,對於齲齒的臨床治療,預計將在 3 - 5 年內出現。」


簡化的「複雜性」 -- 基因組如何作用的新洞見


Simplifying complexity -- new insights into how genomes work

April 1, 2010

(PhysOrg.com) -- 基因組(genome,基因體)是種包含基因及其調控因子的複雜體系。一個歐洲研究團隊闡明了這麼動態的系統如何運作,這導致一種預測遺傳調控者的新方法。

當生物體成長還有與其環境互動時,成套的基因不斷被開啟與關閉,交織出生命的每個面向。全世界的研究者都試圖理解轉錄網路 -- 錯綜複雜的基因與調控媒介(regulatory agents)網路 -- 那控制著大腸桿菌到人類的每一種生物體。

這個歐盟贊助的研究計畫 GENNETEC(for GENetic NETworks Emergence and Complexity)為自己設立一個具雄心壯志的目標:對於所有複雜系統發展出更深入的理解,並將這些洞見應用至活生物體,包括人類。

GENNETEC 的成就之一,是種預測轉錄因子(可開、關基因的分子)調控特定基因的新方法。他們的發現可望提升一般遺傳網路功能,以及健康、生病時人類遺傳系統動力學(dynamics)的研究。

"我們現在處於一個更棒的位置來理解人類細胞中的遺傳調控:用更低的成本,在更短的時間內," Francois Kepcs,GENNETEC 計畫的協調者。


此外,遺傳系統中失常的機能可導致各種疾病,包括癌症。"疾病有時被視為:一個交互作用網路之動態(dynamics)的不恰當變化," Kepcs 說。"故理解它們的特性以及如何校正或控制它們的動力學是必要的。"


到目前為止,研究者試圖使基因與臨時轉錄因子相配,最有效的方法是尋找已知結合至特定調控分子上的短 DNA 序列。Kepcs 表示這種方法依然有效,但卻可能產生假陽性(false positives)-- 潛在的調控關係經證明後結果是假的。

追尋這些不正確的線索(leads)很浪費。"以滴管進行將花很長的時間,還有耗費很多錢," Kepcs 說。GENNETEC 團隊決定藉此對付這個問題:研究某種新穎且獨立的方法來預測某種基因是否為某一特定因子所控制。

在早期研究中,Kepcs 以及同僚發現,回應相同轉錄因子的基因通常在一條染色體上有著規律的間隔。他們懷疑這種週期性間隔與 DNA 在細胞核內的盤繞方式有關,且藉由在地理上將它們分組(grouping),能起到最佳化相關基因與轉錄因子功能的作用。

如果科學家們理解這種能產生某種可觀察到之規律性的機制,他們總是會比較自在。GENNETEC 研究者使用複雜的 DNA 摺疊數值模擬來證明,這些存有週期性間隔的基因能幫助決定 DNA 摺疊(或濃縮 DNA 股)的結構。


"我們所發現的是在染色體結構與基因表現間有著明確的連結," Kepcs 表示,"這樣的連結我們現在能以一種非常精確且可行的方式預測。"


當 GENNETEC 團隊將他們的新位置預測器與標準序列預測器結合,他們發現,他們能更有效率地確認新基因--調控者關係。

"結合二種預測器,藉此削減假命中,讓我們在預測特定基因的調控者上表現能更好," Kepcs 說。"我們具有代表性地使預測的鑑別度(specificity)加倍。"



雖然 Kepcs 對於這種新研究工具感到高興,不過他強調,該聯盟對於複雜系統的研究一樣重要。他們的發現能應用到不同的領域,例如設計只會完成預期項目的軟體,以及建造像細胞那樣的系統,能以最佳方式回應各種不同的情況。

"細胞只有一套基因組,不過憑那套基因組它們能應付多種挑戰," Kepcs 說。"我們能把這種生物學的解決方案當成某種靈感來用,做出新一代的演算法,在處理複雜的問題上比以前還要好。"

※ 相關報導:

* GENNETEC project

新模型證明蛋白質如何找到正確的 DNA 序列
尋找網路的演算法 -- 用於基因或網際網路