AMD Processors OPN and Identification
AMD Processor Ordering Part Number (OPN) Breakdown
Processors are identified by markings known as Ordering Part Number (OPN).
The OPN identifies the processor and its specifications.
Processor Core Architecture/Brand Name:
These alpha characters define the core architecture of the processor.
Model Number:
This four digit numeric field defines the speed of the processor in megahertz or Model Number as appropriate.
Package Type:
This single alpha character defines the package type for this device.
Operating Voltage (Nominal Core Voltage):
This single alpha character defines the voltage for this processor.
Maximum Die Temperature:
This single alpha character defines the maximum die temperature for this processor.
Level 2 Cache Size:
This single alpha character defines the Level 2 Cache Size for this processor, in addition to 128KB Level 1 Cache.
Maximum System-Bus Speed:
This single alpha character defines the maximum System-Bus speed for this processor.
Stepping and date of birth:
OPN example for the AMD Athlon XP (Thorton core) processor:
AXDC 2200 D U V 3 C
AXDC Processor Core Architecture: AMD Athlon XP processor
with Quantispeed architecture
2200 Model Num: 2800+ operating at 1.8 GHz
D Package Type: Organic Pin Grid Array (OPGA)
U Operating Voltage: 1.60 V
V Max Die Temperature: 85ºC
3 Size of L2 Cache: 256 Kbytes
C System-Bus: 266 MHz
OPN example for the AMD Athlon XP (Barton core) processor:
AXDA 2800 D K V 4 D
AXDA Processor Core Architecture: AMD Athlon XP processor
with Quantispeed architecture
2800 Model Num: 2800+ operating at 2.083 GHz
D Package Type: Organic Pin Grid Array (OPGA)
K Operating Voltage: 1.65 V
V Max Die Temperature: 85ºC
4 Size of L2 Cache: 512 Kbytes
D System-Bus: 333 MHz