2007年7月24日 星期二

Linux KVM 虛擬化技術

Linux KVM Virtualization Performance

Published on January 08, 2007 by Michael Larabel.
Page 1 of 4.

For only being a release candidate the Linux 2.6.20 kernel has already generated quite a bit of attention. On top of adding asynchronous SCSI scanning, multi-threaded USB probing, and many driver updates, the Linux 2.6.20 kernel will include a full virtualization (not para-virtualization) solution. Kernel-based Virtual Machine (or KVM for short) is a GPL software project that has been developed and sponsored by Qumranet. In this article we are offering a brief overview of the Kernel-based Virtual Machine for Linux as well as offering up in-house performance numbers as we compare KVM to other virtualization solutions such as QEMU Accelerator and Xen.

What has been merged into the Linux 2.6.20 kernel is the device driver for managing the virtualization hardware. The other component that comprises KVM is the user-space program, which is a modified version of QEMU. Kernel-based Virtual Machine for Linux uses Intel Virtualization Technology (VT) and AMD Secure Virtual Machine (SVM/AMD-V) for hardware virtualization support. With that said, one of the presented hardware requirements to use KVM is an x86 processor with either of these technologies. The respective technologies are present in the Intel Core series and later, Xeon 5000 series and later, Xeon LV series, and AMD's Socket F and AM2 processors.

The Kernel-based Virtual Machine also assigns every virtual machine as a regular Linux process handled by the Linux scheduler by adding a guest mode execution. With the virtual machine being a standard Linux process, all standard process management tools can be used. The KVM kernel component is embedded into Linux 2.6.20-rc1 kernels and newer, but the KVM module can be built on older kernels (2.6.16 to 2.6.19) as well. At this stage, KVM supports Intel hosts, AMD hosts, Linux guests (x86 and x86_64), Windows guests (x86), SMP hosts, and non-live migration of guests. However, still being worked on is optimized MMU virtualization, live migration, and SMP guests. Microsoft Windows x64 does not work with KVM at this time.

Whether you are using a kernel with KVM built-in or loading it as a module, the process for setting up and running guest operating systems is quite easy. After setting up an image (qemu-img will work with KVM) and the KVM kernel component loaded, the modified version of QEMU can be used with the standard QEMU arguments to get you running.

The hardware requirements to use KVM is an x86/x86_64 processor with AMD or Intel virtualization extensions and at least one Gigabyte of system memory to allow for enough RAM for the guest operating system. For our purposes, we had used two dual-core Intel Xeon LV processors with the Linux 2.6.20-rc3 kernel, which was released on January 1, 2007. Below is the rundown of system components used.

Hardware Components
Processor: 2 x Intel Xeon LV Dual-Core 2.00GHz
Motherboard: Tyan Tiger i7520SD S5365
Memory: 2 x 512MB Mushkin ECC Reg DDR2-533
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce FX5200 128MB PCI
Hard Drives: Western Digital 160GB SATA2
Optical Drives: Lite-On 16x DVD-ROM
Cooling: 2 x Dynatron Socket 479 HSFs
Case: SilverStone Lascala LC20
Power Supply: SilverStone Strider 560W
Software Components
Operating System: Fedora Core 6

The benchmarks we had used for comparing the performance was Gzip compression, LAME compilation, LAME encoding, and RAMspeed. The virtualization environments we had used were QEMU 0.8.2 with the kqemu accelerator module, Xen 3.0.3, and finally KVM. We had also compared these virtualized environments against running Fedora Core 6 Zod without any form of virtualization. During the Xen 3.0.3 testing, we had used full virtualization and not para-virtualization. The image size was set to 10GB during the testing process. The operating system used throughout the entire testing process was Fedora Core 6 Zod.

Looking over the virtualization performance results, KVM was not the clear winner in all of the benchmarks. KVM had taken the lead during Gzip compression, but in the other four benchmarks it had stumbled behind Xen 3.0.3. However, both Xen with full virtualization and the Kernel-based Virtual Machine had performed in front of QEMU with the QEMU accelerator in our select benchmarks using dual Intel Xeon LV processors with Intel Virtualization Technology. The benefits of KVM are high performance, stable, no modifications of the guest operating system are necessary, and a great deal of other capabilities (e.g. using the Linux scheduler). Once the Linux 2.6.20 kernel is officially out the door we will proceed with a greater number of KVM benchmarks in various environments including looking at the hardware virtualization performance between AMD and Intel.



Microsoft adopts virtual licenses

微軟在 2006年10月10日宣佈按裝在虛擬環境中的 Windows Server 以及其他相關產品的新授權政策,不管使用者是安裝在微軟的 Virtual Server 或是 競爭對手 VMware Inc. 的虛擬技術。

在新的授權政策中使用者購買 SQL Server, BizTalk Server 以及其他的 server 都採用 "虛擬處理器" 的數量來計算授權數量,而非真實處理器的數量。新的授權選擇將在 12 月 1 日開始供應,另一個消息是,微軟會讓即將到來的 Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition "R2" 在一台電腦
上同時執行四個虛擬環境而只收一個執行環境的費用。如果使用的是微軟Virtual Server 或 VMware 的 GSX 軟體,R2 也是如此提供優惠。

Intel CPU 的次世代微架構簡介:Core

‧Intel CPU 的次世代微架構:Core

Into the Core: Intel's next-generation microarchitecture
本文介紹 Intel 處理器的次世代微架構 "Core" 會有什麼樣的發展。
作者先回憶起取代 P6 (Pentium Pro, Pentium II, and Pentium III) 的 Netburst (P4) 微架構,接著 Intel 引入先前代號叫做 "Merom" 現在改稱 "Core"(或是 NGMA,即次世代微架構),作者從各方面蒐集出這個微架構的資料,在這篇文章當中詳細介紹它。
作者提到 "Core" 是 Intel 從頭設計的架構,把今日的需求都牢記在心中,不過,作者仍指出 "Core" 其實有很多 Pentium 4 與 Pentium M (Banias) 的影子,並且是 Pentium M 的設計佔比較多。因為 Pentium M 與 P6 的設計比較接近,因此作者會把 "Core" 列入 P6 的世系當中對待。
當 Intel 在以色列的團隊準備設計這個微架構時,就已經考慮到,這個架構必須要能應付未來五年的發展,所以多核心,就已經被列入考慮,不過這與 Sun 或 IBM 的多核心不同。它所指的多核心不是:"throw out out-of-order execution and scale back single-threaded performance
in favor of a massively parallel architecture that can run a torrent of simultaneous threads." 這樣去『OOOE 化』的野心,已經在 STI 的 Cell 以及 Sun 的 Ultrasparc T1 上面實現了,不過 Intel 的多核心,依然是十分傳統,很 Intel 的多核心。
Intel 並不是把每個獨立核心的動態執行(dynamic execution)硬體給丟掉,而是讓每個核心的電力消耗降低,並且讓效能提升。Intel 的策略是以 process-based 為基礎(這就是作者提到很 Intel 的緣故)。Intel 依然遵循 Moore's Law 要讓每個 die 塞入更多核心。在 Intel 的觀點中,核心會縮小是因為電晶體做的更小所導致,並非設計、架構改變的緣故。
這讓作者想到 "Core" 的伸縮性(scalability)。P4 的設計是讓效能隨著時脈增加而增加,相較之下, "Core" 的效能卻是隨著 die 上的核心增加而增加(換言之,體積變小),此外還有更多的快取以及第二層更謹慎、可預期的時脈增加使得效能增加。在此觀點下,"Core" 是以一種有別於 P4 的方式來實踐 Moore's Law。


Red Hat為KVM虛擬技術背書

‧Red Hat為KVM虛擬技術背書

CNET新聞專區:Stephen Shankland  15/02/2007

Red Hat公司的下一版Fedora Linux將包含能將Linux系統切割至多個虛擬主機的新虛擬化技術KVM。

Red Hat技術長Brain Stevens 13日表示,該公司下一版的Fedora Linux將納入KVM(核心虛擬器)。他說:「我們要把它加入Fedora 7。」

這是全球主要Linux經銷商對KVM技術的一次重要背書。Linux領袖Linus Torvalds也在2月初接受KVM納入主要的Linux原始碼系,此舉可減輕維護和除錯的工作,並提高該計畫的知名度。

Stevens也很欣賞KVM支持者、Qumranet技術長Moshe Bar對KVM採取的技術方法。Stevens說:「他完全辦到了。」

不過Stevens表示,KVM仍落後另一種開放原始碼技術,也是即將推出的Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5當中最重要的單一特色,Xen。他說:「我想(KVM)還有一年的差距,才能真正和現在的Xen平起平坐。」

參與KVM的Red Hat員工包括該公司的頭號大將之一,Ingo Molnar。Molnar已將平行虛擬化(paravirtualization)能力加入KVM,移除虛擬器與網路卡和儲存系統等電腦硬體更直接溝通 的瓶頸。例如,今年1月,Molnar表示平行虛擬化增加了KVM的網路轉移速率,從每秒不到10MB上升至每秒300MB以上。(陳智文/譯)


'Blue Pill' Prototype Creates 100% Undetectable Malware


By Ryan Naraine
June 28, 2006

一個具有 rootkits 經驗的資安研究者,建立了一個可以運作的新技術原型,它有能力建立一個 "100% 無法被偵測的" 惡意軟體,甚至是在 Windows Vista x64 的系統上。

Joanna Rutkowska,她是位於新加坡的資訊安全公司 COSEINC 一位匿蹤惡意軟體研究者,表示這個藍藥丸(Blue Pill)的概念使用 AMD 的 SVM/Pacifica 虛擬化技術,來建立一個超細薄(ultra-thin)的 hypervisor(指可以在一台主機上同時執行數種作業系統,作業系統之間獨

Rutkowska 計畫要在 7 月 21 日於新加坡舉行的 SyScan 研討會,還有 8 月 3 日於拉斯維加斯進行的 Black Hat 簡報上討論並且展示一個可以在 Windows Vista x64 上運作的原型。

Black Hat 的展示將會與微軟預計要展示某些 Vista 當中關鍵的安全特色以及功能的日子是同一天。

Rutkowska 表示這次將展示一個以 "一般方式" 插入任意程式碼到 Vista Beta 2 核心(x64)核心的示範,不用依賴任何臭蟲的實作。

這項技術有效的繞過一項關鍵的反 rootkit 政策,那將在 Windows Vista 當中出現,其要求 kernel-mode 的軟體必須要有數位簽章,才能載入到基於 x64 的系統上。

虛擬機器 rootkit 的主意不全然是新的。在 Microsoft Research 的研究者以及密西根大學已經建立了基於 VM 的 rootkit 稱為 "SubVirt"(亞變種),它幾乎無法被偵測,因為其狀態將完全無法被目標系統所存取。

現在,Rutkowska 將這個殼層(envelope)推入更多,並宣稱唯一讓藍藥丸"露餡" 的方式是 AMD 的 Pacifica 技術有缺點。

"藍藥丸的強處是基於 SVM 技術," Rutkowska 在她的 Invisible Things blog 上解釋。她爭論(contend)一般的偵測方式是否能夠以虛擬機器技術來撰寫,然後讓藍藥丸能夠被偵測到,不過這也表示 Pacifica 本身 "有一堆臭蟲。"

"在另一方面 -- 如果你不能夠為基於 SVM 的虛擬機器想出一個一般的偵測技術,那你應該承認,你也不能夠偵測藍藥丸," 她說。

"在藍藥丸背後的點子相當簡單︰你的作業系統吞下了藍藥丸,然後它在母體(the Matrix)裡面甦醒,而母體被超細薄的藍藥丸 hypervisor 所控制。這全都是即時(on-the-fly)發生的(亦即不用重新啟動系統)並且這不會造成效能的損失,而這就是全部的手段(devices)," 她解釋道。

Rutkowska 強調藍藥丸技術並不是依賴任何底層作業系統的臭蟲。"我已經實作出一個可以給 Vista x64 使用的原型,但我認為它沒有理由不能被移植到其他作業系統,例如 Linux 或 BSD,這些都可在 x64 的平台上執行, " 她附帶提到。

藍藥丸是專門為 COSEINC Research 所研發的,而且將無法被下載。然而,Rutkowska 表示該公司計畫要安排關於藍藥丸以及其他技術的培訓,在那裡將能取得原始程式碼。

Rutkowska 之前造出紅藥丸,它可以用來偵測程式碼是否能夠在 VMM(虛擬機器監視器)或在一個真實的環境當中執行。

※ 相關報導︰

* Taiwan.CNET.com : AMD詳述Pacifica虛擬化計畫

* X86 virtualization - Wikipedia

* Black Hat Briefings, Training and Consulting

* SyScan '06

* invisiblethings: Introducing Blue Pill




CNET新聞專區:Stephen Shankland  27/02/2007


這個由一家名為Qumranet的新創公司暗中支持的專案以其技術與文化特性很快攫取許多支持者,包括Red Hat與Linux發明人Linus Torvalds。



「短期內KVM將因它引起的市場混局與開發人員的幻滅而造成不安,」Illumnata分析師Gordon Haff說。「但長期而言,更好的技術選擇對Linux 與開原碼只有好處沒有壞處。」

KVM三個字母代表「核心為基礎的虛擬機器(Kernerl-based Virtual Machine)」,它為Linux機器提供一種新的分割機制,使一台電腦當成許多台來用。它用的有別於利用低階軟體「hypervisor」執行相同虛擬化功能的方法。


Novell與IBM等Linux廠商都表示正在觀察KVM的發展。但Linux大廠Red Hat 技術長Brian Stevens則相信KVM大有可為。


Qumranet金主為Sequoia Capital與Norwest Venture Partners,但該公司執行長Benny Schnaider對公司未來計畫三緘其口。他只在一次訪談中表示,Qumranet「沒有計畫出售KVM或提供支援服務來獲利。」

KVM專案始於2006年初,時值Xen創辦人Moshe Bar離開(將Xen商業化的新創公司)XenSource。目前在Qumranet擔任技術長的他拒絕對本新聞發表說法。

Qumranet總部位於Santa Clara,研發中心設於以色列(Qumran是位於發現聖經《死海古卷》洞窟附近的古老聚落)。這家新創公司只有三十多名員工,大部分是工程師,Schnaider說。由於投入在KVM的人力不到12人,因此該公司也同時發展其他技術,Qumranet員工Avi Kivity說。

Kivity於去年10月19日在Linux核心的討論群中首次將KVM介紹給世人。他開發的Linux修補更新程式讓高階軟體得以使用到Intel與AMD最新處理器內建的硬體虛擬化功能。這也讓其他作業系統,像是微軟Windows可以以「guest 」身分執行在較新硬體的Linux作業系統上。

KVM作法迥異於Xen透過結合輕量「hypervisor」與特定OS (主要是Linux)來控制硬體存取的方式。

KVM技術較近似於VMware使用的兩種方法之一—免費VMware Server及Player 產品使用的「代管」模式。在此模式下,「guest」虛擬機器是跑在複製的作業系統上。而第二種方法則用於高階ESX Server產品中,是由較大、全功能的hypervisor控制底層硬體的存取。







Red Hat的Stevens說,KVM方法比較簡單、易懂,而Red Hat首席開發人員Ingo Molnar也很喜歡KVM,並著手改善KVM的效能。




「Xen永遠不會成為核心的一部分,因為它不是核心元件,」XenSource CTO Simon Crosby說。「但paravirt-ops則是。」他補充,第一個元件將在2.6.21版核心問世時推出。



VMware也有類似的改革想法。它的高階與hypervisor-based ESX Server是虛擬基礎架構軟體的基礎,它可以監控一組執行虛擬機器的伺服器,並根據預設規則調整工作。

「代管架構當然不錯,但沒有我們所謂的虛擬基礎架構,」VMware產品與解決方案行銷副總裁Raghu Raghuram說。「為此你得把hypervisor層分開。」然而KVM潛力無窮,也相當有用,他說。

微軟下一個虛擬化技術Viridian也是在hypervisor上發展而來,而它現有的虛擬伺服器(Virtual Server)則否。Viridian技術預計包含在Windows Longhorn Server 2008年的服務套件(service pack)推出,Longhorn預計今年底就會發表。在虛擬化技術上微軟目前落在VMware與Xen之後,這也給了Linux一大好機會。受迫於壓力之下,微軟找上XenSource,希望能讓Viridian執行在適用於Xen的Linux版本上。


Novell SuSE Linux的產品管理副總裁Holger Dyroff估計KVM還要一到兩年才會發展成熟。他想看到的是64位元虛擬機器及多顆處理器、多核虛擬機器的支援,他說。


KVM造成的另一個複雜的問題是可能搶走Xen的風采,它去年七月才正式隨著Novell SuSE Linux Enterprise Server問世,而且預計包含進Red Hat三月將推出的Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5。

Rusty Russell是從事Xen與VMware需求協調的高階Linux核心開發人員,他寫了一個hypervisor稱為lguest,但他不認為KVM可能瓜分人數原本即已稀少的Linux開發人員。

「KVM的開發人員和Xen大不相同,」他說。「KVM拉攏到傳奇人物像是Ingo Molnar,他對虛擬化產生前所未有的興趣,因此看起來情勢似乎大好。」


Red Hat對KVM的熱度就比較高,但Stevens也對同時把資源放在Xen及競爭者上有疑慮。例如該公司考慮把鎖定Linux技術愛好者的Fedora 7分成兩個版本,分別內建Xen及KVM,Stevens說。這是因為Red Hat希望Fedora能跟緊主流Linux核心。主流核心現在內含KVM,然而Xen用的卻是不含KVM的較早期版本。


不到 2MB 擁有 X11 server 的 LinuxBIOS

‧不到 2MB 擁有 X11 server 的 LinuxBIOS
LinuxBIOS with X11 server, completely in Flash ROM


Wed, 2007-03-07 05:10 -- Uwe Hermann

Alan Carvalho de Assis 以及他的朋友現在有一個頗酷的計畫(與影片),一如他們在 LinuxBIOS 郵件討論串上所發表(http://www.openbios.org/pipermail/linuxbios/2007-March/018817.html
)的訊息:LinuxBIOS with X Server Inside (http://youtube.com/watch?v=nuzRsXKm_NQ)。

他們的安排是這樣:LinuxBIOS + Linux kernel + BusyBox(一套包含 70 多種功能的工具軟體,所需大小不到 1MB,號稱 Embedded Linux 上的瑞士刀) + a tiny X11 server (Kdrive,大小也不到 1MB) + the Matchbox window manager(一款超小型的 wm,詳見:http://www.linuxdevices.com/articles/AT5966737838.html) + rxvt。

以上東西全都塞入一個普通的 BIOS 晶片當中(2MB),而不用到任何硬碟(如果你能把這些都塞入 BIOS 晶片裡,要硬碟何用?)

開機進入 BusyBox 只需不到 6 秒的時間,然後約 2 秒就進入 X11 + rxvt 的環境裡。這裡甚至還有改進的空間 http://www.openbios.org/pipermail/linuxbios/2007-March/018854.html

看起來就快有一段經由 OGG Theora 編碼的影片出爐,而作者也希望關於此計畫的 mini HOWTO 也能盡快出爐。

順便一提,有許多與 LinuxBIOS 相關的螢幕擷取畫面與影片都將在其 wiki 上出現

Google 軟體連網斷連架構

Google takes big step to make Web work offline

Thu May 31, 2007 2:28AM BST / By Eric Auchard

舊金山(路透社)-- Google 在週三表示它們創造了一種網站軟體,可以同時在線上或是離線執行,藉由讓使用者能夠在飛機、火車或是非接續連線,甚至最遙遠的地點中工作,對於網際網路產業產生巨大改變。

這項技術叫做 Google Gears,可讓電腦使用者、手機或其他裝置使用諸如 e-mail、線上行事曆或新聞讀取器等網站服務,不管他們在線上、或間歇性的連線到網站上,或甚至完全離線都可以。

藉由在新網站服務與舊世界的桌面軟體(任何資料的改變與儲存都會在使用者本地端的機器上)之間的深淵上架起橋樑,Google 將網站推向新的行動層面,並直接挑戰對手微軟,桌面軟體年代的領導者。

"網站雖好,不過當你沒連上網時,它就不怎麼妙了," Jeff Huber,Google 的工程副總裁,在訪談中表示。"Gears 在網站上增添一個實用的裂口。"

Google 計畫要讓 Gears 技術能以免費且開放原碼的方式呈現,這表示其他開發者可以自由的在自己的產品中使用與加強這個軟體。

Gears 承諾能拓展 Google 產品與服務,以及上千種來自於獨立軟體製造者的程式的使用,它能讓它們在先前不方便的時間與地點中更容易使用。

這項技術也讓開發者在他們自己的軟體當中建造網際網路搜尋與網頁索引,Huber 表示。

許多這樣的產品將夠進行有限度的離線搜尋,因為它們將在連線時自動下載資料。一但使用者連回網際網路,Google 網站搜尋的全部功能將會恢復。

早期會在它們產品當中使用 Gears 的夥伴包括平面設計軟體領導者 Adobe Systems Inc.,Flash 動畫與 Acrobat 文件分享軟體的製造者,以及新的 Apollo 工具,那能夠在線上與離線中運作,Adobe 表示。

根據 Google 表示,其他與 Google 合作的組織包括 Opera Software ASA ,在行動電話當中相當熱門的網站瀏覽器製造者,以及 Mozilla,Firefox 背後的團體,也是微軟 IE 瀏覽器最大的另一種選擇。


分析師表是 Google 的舉動利用了網站應用數年以來逐漸成長的趨勢,使其表現能如同桌面軟體一樣。

微軟已經提供了例如:Groove 這樣的技術,那能讓使用者離線工作,然後於稍後連線時能對改變進行同步化。不過,軟體巨人不太願意讓現存的產品能夠在線上或離線當中運作。

諸如 AJaX、Adobe 的 Flash 或微軟的新 Silverlight 技術,都讓這些愈來愈能成真。

"現在,網站已經變得如此之好,所以要打造只在桌上型電腦上運行的軟體,其理由愈來愈少," Gartner 分析師 David Smith 表示。"在過去,開發者得要在網站與桌上軟體之間,進行某些相當明顯的平衡點(trade-off )。"

Google Gears 承諾讓整個業界能夠關閉軟體開發的缺口。"這是相當大的一步,不過我會說那是相當顯著的一步," Huber 說。

第一個使用 Gears 功能的產品將會是 Google Reader,那能讓消費者自動追蹤數百個網站的更新。使用者可以暫時連線已更新,然後離線並接著閱讀最近的網站新聞。

"我們預計會在之後會將其擴展到其他 Google 應用上," Huber 說,並沒提到任何時間表。

一旦翻新改進,例如 Google Apps,該公司免費,由廣告贊助的一堆網站程式,包括文字處理與試算表,就可以被團體共享與編輯,不過那只能在週期性的網站連線中辦到。

Huber 表示 Gear 最大的衝擊會在非、亞與拉丁美州的部份地區,在那裡因為貧窮或是沒有網際網路連接,以致於他們存取數位資訊的步伐蹣跚。

Google 在 Google Developer Day 研討會中做出這項宣佈,那在週二於世界各地 10 個程式當中舉行,從雪梨開始,至當天午後於矽谷的聖荷西會談中心達到最高潮。

※ 相關報導:

* Google Gears (BETA) http://gears.google.com/

* Gears puts Google in the driver's seat

利用 dangling pointer 的新駭客手法

‧利用 dangling pointer 的新駭客手法

New hacking technique exploits common programming error


By Dennis Fisher, Executive Editor / 23 Jul 2007 | SearchSecurity.com

Watchfire Inc. 的研究者表示他們發現一種可靠的方法來 exploiting 一種常見的程式撰寫錯誤,那到目前為止都只被認為是一個品質上的問題,而非安全漏洞。

Watchfire 的 Jonathan Afek 與 Adi Sharabani 當他們在執行該公司的 AppScan software 對抗一個 Web server 時,碰巧發現這種從遠端 exploiting 懸置指標(dangling pointers,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dangling_pointer)的方法。Server 在掃描中與稍後的調查中當掉,這一對發現 dangling pointers 已成了罪犯(culprit)。這並非一個讓人驚訝的結果,大家都知道這些程式撰寫上的錯誤,在奇怪時刻會導致程式當掉。

不過在某些更進一步的實驗之後,Afek 與 Sharabani 發現,藉由傳送一個特製的 URL 到 server 上,就能在內部引起 crash,然後開始尋找某方法在目標機器上執行他們自己的程式碼。

Afek,Watchfire 的資深安全研究員,將在 8 月份,於拉斯維加斯舉辦的 Black Hat Briefings 上演示該技術。

Dangling pointers 是軟體程式碼當中的錯誤,它們無法正確的指向某個合法的物件。通常被參照到的物件若被刪除時,不會導致指標的值發生改變。

Dangling pointers 相當常見,不過安全專家與開發者表示,多年來都沒有實用的方法可以 exploit 它們,所以它們被認為是質量保證方面的問題,而非安全性瑕疵。不過現在情況已經改變了。

"一般都認為這種問題不可 exploit。不過我們觀察到這個,然後想,如果我們都能夠在這台 server 上實作我們自己的程式碼,難道它這樣還算完善(neat)嗎?" Danny Allan 說,Watchfire 的研究主管,該公司位於麻州 Waltham。

"這問題在以前是,你得要踐踏(override)指標所指向的正確位置才會發生。這被認為是不可能的。不過我們發現了一種方法能夠對付一般的 dangling pointers 然後執行我們自己的 shell code。"

Afek 與 Sharabani 的發現真是一大「進步」,而且還是一個會引起大家恐慌的發現,因為這樣的程式撰寫錯誤無所不在。研究者透過此法,可對付 微軟的 IIS 5.1,不過 Allan 表示這技術只要「任何程式」當中存在 dangling pointer 的話「都有效」。微軟則在七月的 MS07-041 當中處理這個問題。

"結果很像是 buffer overflow。這相當嚴重," Allan 表示。"這有點像潘朵拉的盒子,而且一旦我們打開它,它將成為冰山一角。這是一個相當普遍的問題,特別是在低階語言中。有很多時候,你根本不曉得那裡存在 dangling pointer。"

為在紐約的 Matasano Security 的 Thomas Ptacek 表示,雖然他還沒瞧過Watchfire 的研究結果,不過聽起來相當可信,而且是一個重大進展。

"這是必殺 exploit 的一種新方法,這是相當重要的一步,因為它不只是(針對)某個弱點,它是一種新等級的 bugs," Ptacek 說。"現在我們正處於人們還不會認真看待 dangling pointers 的時候,但大多數的我們都只在等待某些人能夠想出一種可靠方式來達成它。"

Dangling pointers 對於使用 C++ 程式設計師來說尤其是個讓人提心弔膽的問題,Ptacek 說。

"這種問題隨時都會發生,不過它們相當依賴情勢," Ptacek 說。"總而言之,如果你能決定這個指標的值,那就玩完了。"

當 Watchfire 首先向微軟的安全回應團隊警告他們所發現的問題時,他們遇到了懷疑論者,而這是可以理解的,Allan 說。微軟從 2005 年「早」就知道這個會當掉 IIS 的臭蟲了,不過它們認為那是一個簡單的 DoS 問題,而且無法遠端 exploit。

"這過去一向都是理論性的與學術性的。不過一但我們給它們概念驗證程式碼,它們就十分擔心了," Allan 說。"它們對於該研究背後的內幕相當有興趣。

Allan 指出,那些基於 Java 的應用不受這個 exploit 的影響,因為該語言內建的機制會自動回收記憶體(deallocating memory)。

10大 web OS

Big WebOS roundup - 10 online operating systems reviewed

While we’re waiting for Google to launch its own Google OS (if the rumours are true, of course), I’ve checked out 10 web operating systems and what they can do. Not many of them feel like finished and fully usable products, but there are some true gems among them.
Admit it: you didn’t think there were that many WebOSes around, did you?

Neither did I. You can find month or two old articles on the web which talk about a WebOS as a recently forged concept, yet to be realized. YouOS was practically the only one that had media coverage, so when I began the research for this article, I hoped to find five usable WebOS applications at best.

I was wrong. There are over 10 fully functional WebOS applications out there, and a couple more that are announced or in closed betas.

But what is a WebOS (not to be confused with another definition of the term, see here), or a Webtop, anyway ? Here’s a simple definition: WebOS is a virtual operating system that runs in your web browser. More precisely, it’s a set of applications running in a web browser that together mimic, replace or largely supplement a desktop OS environment. It’s a tough field to start in for a Web 2.0 entrepreneur, because to be successful you need to create several applications that are at least as good as other competitors, and you need to connect them all into a usable bundle. What’s also expected by most users is that all this looks decent, operates similarly to a “real” OS and behaves as a real “OS” would, and is relatively bug-free. Simply put, to gain real everyday users, your WebOS has to be damn good. We’ll see how these newcomers fare in the following months and when (and if) some big giant like Google decides to create their own WebOS.

So, without further ado, let’s see what the 10 WebOS services I’ve gathered here (in alphabetical order) today can offer to the user. Bear in mind that not many of these services are mature enough to receive a proper, thorough review; this is more of a ‘first look’ kind of thing than a full-featured review.

1. Craythur

craythur.jpgCraythur is a completely new WebOS that puts big emphasis on looks, and it does that part really well, with a well chosen desktop background and transparent window borders similar to those Vista’s Aero. However, the apps themselves are more alpha than beta. For one thing, they’re mostly not translated from Spanish. They work, but nothing more than that; none of them can hold their own against any decent comparative application, web-based or otherwise. Since this is obviously an application at its very early stages, let’s just leave it at good-looking and come back in a few months to see the progress.

2. Desktoptwo

desktoptwo.jpgIf there’s such things as “serious WebOS players”, Desktoptwo is one of them. It’s a Flash based fully featured WebOS which requires registration to try, immediately giving you your own mini-site and your own Desktoptwo email address to use. Desktoptwo is Flash-based, and while I’m not thrilled about Flash Web 2.0 applications, most of the OSes from this list work in Flash, and I must admit that some do it pretty well. Desktoptwo’s apps can be slow, and a certain amount of bugs are present (when i clicked on Message Board preferences, everything got garbled up), but not so much to ruin your experience with the service. One more thing: Desktoptwo opens in a popup, which is sure to annoy some users.

Feature-wise, Desktoptwo delivers and then some. You’ve got search, clock and sysinfo widget, a dock, MP3 player, RSS reader, Instant messenger, OpenOffice, HTML editor, notepad, and several others. Unfortunately, several of these open in popups, which somehow makes you remember you’re in Windows. Furthermore, if you close the Desktoptwo window and log in again, some of your settings are forgotten. However, your content, for example, the files you save to the desktop, or the RSS feeds you add in the very functional RSS reader are remembered over sessions, which is good. Overall, Desktoptwo does many things well, but it needs to iron out a few usability/UI issues to become a really usable WebOS.

3. EyeOS

eyeos.jpgTaking a bit of a different approach than other sites in this bunch, EyeOS offers you to download the EyeOS server files and install them on your on web server to use as you please. You can also try out a demo which is hosted on the free public server eyeos.info, which also provides free accounts of eyeOS to everyone who wants to use it without owning a private server. The public server is funded through donations, and there’s still quite a way to go, so if you like EyeOS, go ahead and help them.

EyeOS itself is functional, not too buggy, but a bit slow and a bit bland. You have your standard calendar, calculator, address book, RSS reader, simple word processor, file uploader and a few others, but they have pretty limited functionality, and they all look more like test apps than something you’d really use in day to day work. Furthermore, some of the options simply do not work, for example changing the wallpaper.

Although EyeOS seems to be an ambitious project, it doesn’t offer much more than, for example, Craythur. It looks nice, it works, but its apps aren’t interesting enough to actually use it for any serious work.

4. Glide

glide.jpgThis text was actually postponed because Glide registration was closed until 19th of December, and I wanted to squeeze it into this list. And lo and behold; they’ve gotten real serious after the relaunch. So serious that besides free registration, they offer things like family standard and family premium plans (for the last one the fee is $149.95 yearly). For registration. they also require verification via an SMS message. This got me interested, as it is the only WebOS around that thinks of itself highly enough to actually start charging for the service.

And, to some extent, Glide delivers. It’s Flash-based, and it’s not really trying to mimic Windows or any similar desktop environment, choosing a unique GUI of its own instead. It lets you upload and store up to 1 GB of files, read RSS feeds, manage bookmarks, appointments, chat, create documents, view picturess. It’s also designed pretty well - at least at first sight. However, it’s somewhat similar to DesktopTwo in some areas, sharing a number of negative traits with it. First of all, some apps open in a popup, for which I really can’t see a good reason. Furthermore, some of the applications don’t seem to be as polished graphically as the rest of the interface. Some of the apps are just plain buggy - the Calendar simply did not work, reporting an error as soon as I clicked it.

These are mostly minor errors, but they add up. For me, an additional problem was the interface itself which is pretty confusing. It took time figuring out how to do simple tasks like reading RSS feeds, and once I closed certain areas of the Webtop, it was pretty hard to find them again. Like many other services in this list, you can definitely see that a lot of effort has been put into Glide, and some of its parts are done well, however it still has a long way to go (especially if you pay for it).

5. Goowy

goowy.jpgGoowy is also Flash-based, but I don’t feel any of the usual negative traits that Flash can bring. It has lots of well-written and usable applications, it’s not lightning fast but it’s not too slow either, and it all works within the same window with the standard desktop-OS-like toolbar. The apps…well, the apps are great. They open in windows you can move around your webtop using a pretty precise grid, which makes organization really easy. You’ve got your standard file-uploader, mail application, RSS reader, instant messenger, bookmarks, calendar and contacts. All of these apps are very well made; for example, the RSS reading functionality is almost as good as in my online reader of choice - Netvibes. I wouldn’t exchange Netvibes for it just yet, but if weren’t able to use Netvibes anymore, Goowy would do just fine. Same goes for other applications, which makes Goowy by far the most usable WebOS in this list.

As far as settings go, you’ve got a lot to choose from. Actually, Goowy is so advanced that I almost feel bad giving it a short rundown instead of a full-featured review it deserves, and I will probably make up for it sometime. Let’s just mention it has a spell checker and a spam filter, which shows the devotion to detail in this product.

Although this text is not a contest, if I had to pick just one WebOS to use, Goowy would be it - and by a big margin. The learning curve is very short; it looks sexy, it has a solid number of well-written applications, and it’s all pretty-much bug free. Great job.

6. Orca

orca.jpgWebOS is a pretty complex application and there’s no two ways about it. So when I see things like “Muly” as one choice for the month of birth or when the “create account” button is missing altogether, I think “sloppy”. And that’s exactly how Orca turned out to be in the end.

I will utter three little words and 70% of readers will skip to the next item in the list: no Firefox support. And they’re right: you simply cannot create an application meant primarily for tech-aware users and not have support for the tech-savvy browser of choice. But even in IE, Orca is simply an unfinished, early alpha, hey-i-can-now-invite-a-few-friends-to-test-this product. Best of luck to the developers, but at this stage Orca is not worth your time.

*Update: one of Orca’s developers (thanks, Nipun) contacted me through comments and we’ve come to the conclusion that my bad experience with Orca was due to some kind of temporary bug. The screenshot that I’ve taken and that you can see here does not represent Orca in the real light. I’ve tried Orca again, and I can confirm that it worked a lot better this time. Here’s a really short recap of my second experience with Orca:

- Orca does indeed feature many applications: Media Player, Zoho Office suite, a web browser, calendar, RSS reader, notepad, file manager and several games. Although still not bug-free, when I’ve tried it the second time all of these applications were fully usable.

- Nipun also pointed out to me that the developers of Orca are preparing a new version which will support browsers other than IE. He also told me about Orczilla, a “linux distribution, which you can boot of the CD (or install) and boot into a browser that opens your Orca Desktop.” This is an interesting concept which can make a WebOS a step closer to real, desktop operating systems.
7. Purefect

purefect.jpgPurefect is also at an early stage of development, but it’s at least showing some promise. It tries to mimic the Windows environment completely, down to the icons, which is in my opinion the wrong path to choose. There are just a few apps, like file explorer, memory game and calculator, and as far as settings go you can set the display preferences. It’s functional, but pretty buggy (you can access other users’ files in the file explorer), and there simply isn’t much to do. Like Craythur, it might be interesting to check it out again in a couple of months to see if there’s any progress, but for now it’s just not usable.


ssoe.jpgSSOE seems to be a project that’s looking far ahead. The author is the first to admit that the kernel of the OS is perhaps 10% written at this point and it gives you a choice of a relatively stable and a newer, unstable version to choose from.

And it’s all true. SSOE looks is more a technology demo than something you would even consider to use, regardless of which version you choose. But even at this early stage of development, I will feel free to give the author a pointer: those huge icons, and badly done brushed metal windows, are ugly. Noone is going to use them if they look like that. Other than that I can’t say much about SSOE because 80% of stuff I’ve tried to click on did not work. Best of luck in the future, next please.

9. XinDESK

xindesk.jpgXinDESK is the only one out of the 10 WebOS apps listed here that I didn’t actually try out, because they don’t have a demo or an alpha version yet. However, browsing through the author’s blog one can find some interesting facts about the service. Here’s a couple of quotes:

“The core of Xindesk is a WebOS featuring application that opens and saves the standard office formats. Xindesk is the first web operating system that works easily, even for people without deep computer knowledge. The WebOS is an open platform, just like Windows and Mac OS. This enables anyone to develop new applications.”

“Every Xindesk application you develop can also be installed on all versions of windows.”

All in all, it doesn’t sound too shoddy, and I look forward to checking out this service again when it’s available to the public. You can check out a couple of screenshots over at XinDESK blog.

10. YouOS

youos.jpgBefore I’ve started writing this piece, the only OS I’ve heard something about in the news was YouOS. And you can see that a fair amount of serious development went into the product, as there are quite a number of useful applications here, including a very good chat client, IM software, file browser, RSS reader and a couple of others. The applications can be moved accross the desktop, look pretty much like standard desktop apps and respond well with some minor issues (for example, the resizing of the RSS reader window did not go too smoothly). You can browse through your open applications using a toolbar similar to the Windows taskbar, which also works as intended.

Unfortunately, YouOS is a bit lacking in the design department. It’s windows and applications are usable, but they’re certainly not beautiful. It does not impede the functionality, but it does somewhat diminish the overall experience.

As far as the general usability applications go, I’d say YouOS takes a second place to Goowy. Its apps are fully functional, but lack a few details, be it in the design or functionality department, that would keep me from using YouOS on a daily basis. However, YouOS is definitely a very serious contender in the WebOS field, and it might turn into a force to be reckoned with.


So, there we go - a short scan of 10 web operating systems shows us that this neck of the woods is promising, but still young and suffering from many a beginner’s disease. I’d say that YouOS, Goowy and DesktopTwo are the names you should watch now and in the near future, while the others *might* turn into promising products, but we’ll have to wait a month or two for that to happen. Also, keep in mind that while it’s relatively easy to judge who has the best functionality, it’s much harder to see who has the best code, or the most solid framework to build upon, so it’s safe to say that we can expect a few surprises to happen here.

*Sites to look out in the future: www.ajax13.com, parakey.com
*Honorable mentions: osx.portraitofakite.com

Web Office 的時代即將來臨?

‧Web OS、Office 的時代即將來臨?
ajax13 http://us.ajax13.com/en/

光看名稱就知道它是個與Web 2.0有關的網站,沒錯它正是用 Ajax 技術寫成的 Web Office,從文書處理(ajaxWrite)、繪圖(ajaxSketch,SVG 格式)、試算表(ajaxXLS)、簡報(ajaxPresents)音樂播放(ajaxTunes)都有,對了,順便一提,他們還開發了 Web OS(ajaxOS)... 看來有意湊出 13 項服務... XD

不過有點要提醒諸位,請用 Firefox 1.5 版以上的瀏覽器,才能使用它所提供的服務。有註冊帳號者,可以在該網站獲得 1G 的免費空間。

另外有位仁兄在他的 blog 上面評論當前當紅的 10 大 Web OS:

Big WebOS roundup - 10 online operating systems reviewed

有些我們在相關報導當中已經提過了。作者最後除了提到 ajax13 之外,他還提到了下面這一個有趣的網站,也是利用相關技術模擬 Apple OS X 作業系統,雖然處於早期開發階段... XD

FlyakiteOSX - Modify . Simplify . Aquafy http://osx.portraitofakite.com/

Pyro Desktop: 建構在 Firefox 上的桌面環境

Pyro Desktop: 建構在 Firefox 上的桌面環境


What is Pyro?

Pyro 是一種新類型的 Linux 的桌面環境,建構在「Mozilla Firefox」上。其目標是要將 Web 與現代桌面運算真正的整合在一起。

藉由將 Web 與桌面結合,Pyro 首先替 Web 以及建構其上的應用提供一個向前跨出一大步的新功能。

在 Pyro 中,Web 內容將不會被限制在瀏覽器的視窗中。相反的,受信任的網站與延伸功能,將能如同今日原生應用軟體所享受的那樣,被賦予完整的互動與控制權。


  • Rich Web pages running side-by-side with native applications
  • Single programming environment for the whole desktop
  • Desktop-wide mashups, killer Web integration
  • Novel desktop effects

Pyro 讓桌面能追趕最新穎的 Web 技術,並協助塑造出整合網站的未來。

How does Pyro work?

Pyro 根本上的運作方式,是將你整個電腦螢幕描繪成一個「網頁」,而這全都來自於 Firefox。更確切的說,Pyro 的核心其實就是一個不折不扣的簡易 window manager,那能將 Web 內容呈現(renders)在現有的原生應用程式旁邊。

藉由受信任 Firefox Add-On 系統之槓桿作用,所有 dynamic HTML、JavaScript、CSS、SVG 與 Adobe Flash 的能力,都能讓難以置信的應用、延伸功能與 themes 捶手可得。

將這些 Web 技術都放在一起,再加上最新一代的 Linux 顯示技術,稱為window compositing,讓 Pyro 能與原生應用軟體整合成整個 WebDesktop 內在的一部份,無縫的結合二者。

※ 說不定這是 Web 3.0 的契機...

Web OS、Office 的時代即將來臨?
不到 2MB 擁有 X11 server 的 LinuxBIOS
讓 Linux 軟體可以到處執行的 VM
Xcerion 開發出基於 XML 的 Internet 作業系統


A9 | www.A9.com
AOL | www.aol.com
AURA! | http://aura.research.microsoft.com
blinkx | www.blinkx.com
boing | www.boing.mobi
bookmach.com | www.bookmach.com
BOXXET | www.boxxet.com
ChaCha | www.chacha.com
ClipBlast! | www.clipblast.com
Clusty | www.clusty.com
collarity | www.collarity.com
CometQ | www.cometquery.com
CONGOO | www.congoo.com
d e c i p h o | www.decipho.com
del.icio.us | http://del.icio.us
digg | www.digg.com
digg labs swarm | http://labs.digg.com/swarm/
Ditto | www.ditto.com
dumbfind | www.dumbfind.com
exalead | www.exalead.com/search
factbites | www.factbites.com
fazzle | www.fazzle.com
FEEDS|2.0 | www.feeds2.com
Feedster | www.feedster.com
FindSounds | www.findsounds.com
GIGABLAST | www.gigablast.com
girafa | www.girafa.com
gnn o d | www.gnod.net
GoDefy | www.godefy.com
goshme | www.goshme.com
GoYams | www.goyams.com
grokker | www.grokker.com
ICEROCKET | www.icerocket.com
ixquick | www.ixquick.com
KartOO | www.kartoo.com
last.fm | www.last.fm
Lexxealpha | www.lexxe.com
like | www.like.com
LiveDeal | www.livedeal.com
liveplasma | www.liveplasma.com
Local.com | www.local.com
lurpo | www.lurpo.com
MetaGlossary | www.metaglossary.com
mnemomap | www.mnemo.org
Mojeek | www.mojeek.com
Mooter | www.mooter.com
MrSAPO | www.mrsapo.com
MS. DEWEY | www.msdewey.com
nayio | www.nayio.com
Octora | www.octura.com
OiHoi Search | http://oihoi.com
Pagebull | www.pagebull.com
PlanetSearch | www.planetsearch.com
pluggd | www.pluggd.com
PODZINGER | www.podzinger
Previewseek | www.beta.previewseek.com
pronto.com | www.pronto.com
QTsearch | www.qtsearch.com
Quintura | http://www.quintura.com
Releton | www.releton.com
retrevo>gamma | www.retrevo.com
riya | www.riya.com
ROLLYO O | www.rollyo.com
SearchTheWeb2 | www.searchtheweb2.com
SEEQPOD | www.seeqpod.com
sidekiq | www.sidekiq.com
Simply Google | http://usabilityviews.com
Singing FISH | www.singingfish.com
Slideshow | http://slideshow.zmpgroup.com/
Slifter | www.slifter.com
soople | www.soople.com
Speegle | www.speegle.com
Sphider | http://www.cs.ioc.ee/~ando/sphider/
SPURL.net | www.spurl.net
S R C H R | www.srchr.com
SurfWax | www.surfwax.com
Swoogle | http://swoogle.umbc.edu
TagJag! | www.tagjag.com
thefind.com | www.thefind.com
Trexy | www.trexy.com
turboscout | www.turboscout.com
UJIKO | www.ujiko.com
url.com | www.url.com
VMGO.com | www.vmgo.com
Web 2.0 | www.web20searchengine.com
Webaroo | www.webaroo.com
WEBBRAIN | www.webbrain.com
What to RENT? | www.whattorent.com
whonu? | www.whonu.com
WIKIO | www.wikio.com
WiseNut | www.wisenut.com
Yahoo! MINDSET | www.mindset.research.yahoo.com
yoono | www.yoono.com
yoople | www.yoople.com
yubnub | www.yubnub.com
YuFind | www.yufind.com
ZABASEARCH | www.zabasearch.com
zapmeta | www.zapmeta.com
Zippy | www.zippy.co.uk
ZUULA | www.zuula.com



簡長盛 2006-05-26(法新社莫斯科二十五日電)



