Font smoothing, anti-aliasing, and sub-pixel rendering
這篇文章提到在 Mac 上的字有時候看起來會糊糊的,而 Windows 就不會,因為他們的目標不同,Apple 注重列印上所見即所得,微軟則注重閱讀舒適性,所以演算法才有這兩種不同的結果:
Apple generally believes that the goal of the algorithm should be to preserve the design of the typeface as much as possible, even at the cost of a little bit of blurriness. (Apple 認為字型 樣式 (typeface,例如:楷書、隸書、黑體等) 至上,即便以稍微模糊的 結果當作代價亦可。)
Microsoft generally believes that the shape of each letter should be hammered into pixel boundaries to prevent blur and improve readability, even at the cost of not being true to the typeface.(微軟認為文字在閱讀上應當保持清晰,以增進可讀性,即便字型樣式不是百分之百相同亦可。)
作者在文章上舉了一個例子讓大家比較,不然也可以在 PC 上安裝 Safari for Windows 跟 IE 比看看。說到新發表的 Leopard,雖然號稱新增 300 多種功能,不過有微軟的支持者,做出下面的評論:
Leopard looks like... Vista
※ 相關報導:
* Apple:誰說預設要用 ZFS?
* 文字的可讀性:視覺容量定律